Meme transcription: Anakin & Padme
[Panel 1] Anakin tries selects “Update and shut down” from the Windows start menu.
[Panel 2] Padme, labeled as “Windows”, cheerily says: ”You mean ‘Update and restart’, right?”
[Panel 3] Anakin takes an annoyed look.
[Panel 4] Padme, still cheery, says “I’ll just ‘Update and Restart’.”
The most infuriating thing is that they label that as a feature. Sure, I want to get woken up in the middle of the night because some MS douche decides my laptop needed updates.
Laptops don’t exist in Redmond. Nothing else would explain how “I need to shove you into a bag right this minute and go to my next class” was ever met with “cool I’m just gonna update real quick shouldn’t take an hour.”