Yeah. But it’s a double edged sword. If they didn’t have notice and just bombed the house they would get even more condemned. It’s just the best option beside a ground offensive. And maybe the people of Gaza realise that if they don’t want to move every other day, they should snitch on them who force them: Hamas. They should realise that Hamas is the target and they get away unharmed because they were using civilians to deter immediate response
Yeah. But it’s a double edged sword. If they didn’t have notice and just bombed the house they would get even more condemned. It’s just the best option beside a ground offensive. And maybe the people of Gaza realise that if they don’t want to move every other day, they should snitch on them who force them: Hamas. They should realise that Hamas is the target and they get away unharmed because they were using civilians to deter immediate response
… are you so dense that you think the alternative is “commit the atrocity without the warning?”
No. You must be fucking with me. Stop pretending to be this thick.