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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/IzukuMidoriy4 on 2023-07-04 04:20:02+00:00.
I love peanuts. I’ve loved peanuts since I can remember. Whenever they were around, I would eat them until my stomach was full of them.
Classmates, roommates or any person around me for a short time would notice my love for peanuts quickly. Another thing they might’ve noticed was that I was an itchy person. I got random itches everywhere all the time and that was normal for me. No rash or something, just itching so I never thought peanuts were betraying me.
A couple of years ago, things started to get worse. First I got a persistent itchy spot just under my left shoulder blade. It was awful especially at nights. I couldn’t sleep for at least an hour and itch that spot every half minute or so. Doctors thought it was because of stress.
A little bit later I got another persistent itchy spot on my penis on the circumcision scar. I thought it must be herpes given the location despite it wasn’t looking like herpes. Std clinic said nothing wrong on my penis but I didn’t believe them because the itching was constant and unbearable. I’ve stopped having sex because I thought I was contagious with this awful itch I’d never want for even my enemy.
As if those 2 spots that made me wish I’d just die weren’t enough, I started to get hives on my arms. They were random and very itchy but lasting only for like 15-30 mins after they emerge.
You might think it was obvious at this moment but it wasn’t for me. I thought peanut allergy was a severe reaction that required epipens if you got close to them because every story I’d heard about peanut allergy was just like that. Even when the commercial DNA test I took revealed I have very increased risk for peanut allergy, I thought I was lucky to not have it because I’ve been consuming peanuts like crazy and I haven’t died yet. So, I continued to enjoy peanuts.
More than a year pass and I mostly accepted my misery. I decide to go to a new doctor with very little hope. I show her the spot on my back and she says it must be because of stress. Feeling defeated, I also mention the hives on my arms and she says they could also be because of stress but if I want we can do an allergy test. I accept, the test is done and I am allergic to peanuts.
My world is shaken. My beloved peanuts betrayed me from the beginning and they’ve been upping their game. I’ve stopped eating peanuts and in a couple of days, I’ve also stopped feeling itchy and getting hives. I decides to test it a week later just in case by having some peanuts and almost immediately I started to get itchy again. I’ve been staying away from peanuts for a year now and everything is better except when I pass by them while feeling sad because I miss them.
TL;DR: I’ve been eating peanuts like crazy and getting increasing allergic reactions for years while ignoring all the signs.
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