I’m able to login in ff in a private window but in a normal one even with all addons disabled I get a never-ending spinner after entering uname/pwd. Has anyone else experienced this?

[Update] If I don’t use a password manager to fill the form directly it works for me. If I do use my password manager I get the Spinner Of Doom. (thanks to comment in this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lemmy/comments/145qe4t/cant_log_in_to_lemmy/ )

  • @Thelgor
    31 year ago

    I had this problem as well. It came down to what I was using in the user login field. You can choose either username or email. When I chose email, it would just spin forever. However, if I used my “name”, it worked.

  • @moira
    11 year ago

    I also sometimes experience that issue, check in developer console if you don’t have errors with websocket connections. Not sure what causing that (my side/server side), but most of the time CTRL+F5 (refresh with clearing cache) fixes the issue

  • @themoonisacheese
    11 year ago

    It happened to me a few hours ago, it fixed itself though. This might be due to 17.0.4 since 17.0.2 servers work just fine