Is it better to find a niche or to create a community of sorts and how do both work exactly, so i created my account not to long ago and most places feel dead in a way but if i created my own place its not like i would get many people and i have some ideas but there kinda dumb or “Spicey” to say or somehting like that. im not even sure if i have the motivation to create and manage a community.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    It’s always better to search first, in my opinion.

    If a community is missing, and you don’t feel like creating or running it yourself, a next step could be to talk about it. See if others share your interest, and maybe one or more people step up to make it happen.

  • @Vendetta9076
    51 year ago

    Look around to see if theres a community that already fills that niche. If there is, join it. If not, make it. If it doesn’t get any traction you can just wipe it out.

    • ShySparkOP
      11 year ago

      ive looked for certain things and there are many things missing that would be interesting to add, so maybe ill add something…?

      • @Vendetta9076
        11 year ago

        Go for it! Lemmy is very young compared to reddit, so lots of communities will be nonexistent til someone makes them.

  • manitcor
    21 year ago

    What are your values, and are you interested in the work of building and running a community? If you did what would you want from your community?

    Build it or not, you now know what you are looking for.

    • ShySparkOP
      21 year ago

      Im interested in building a group or a community but im not sure if i should start one or not becasue i lack motivation and i have depression…

      • manitcor
        31 year ago

        something like this is not a bad way to try and deal with depression esp if you feel you are in a phase where you want to socialize with people more

        would suggest starting a community on an existing instance rather than starting your own so you dont have to deal with the stress of a server op role too.

      • @Valon_Blue
        21 year ago

        I’ve been in the same boat, wondering if it will just be more stress.

        • ShySparkOP
          11 year ago

          yeah ive been thinking of starting an nsfw gaming community or something, but idk if that a good idea or not and it might be hard to do and im still thinking it over.

          • @Valon_Blue
            11 year ago

            That might be a difficult one to start, as a lot of Lemmy servers don’t allow NSFW content. Best of luck. :)

            I’d say don’t be afraid to give it a shot, but be realistic with your view of its effect on you. If it helps, great! If not, don’t be afraid of abandoning it or handing it off. Gotta do what’s best for you in the end.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I think a lot of the major topics have already been covered, but without knowing exactly what you’re looking for, it’s kind of hard to comment. If, as you’ve said, the communities you’re looking at are dead, then maybe start posting in them and see what happens. If nothing happens, then possibly the right people just aren’t interested right now, although I’m sure people will come along eventually. I would say it’s fair to say a large majority of people aren’t aware of Lemmy or don’t know how to use it, so it’ll take some time.