What the title says. I think there is still a long way for that to happen but i’ve been hopeful. What do you think?

  • Yote.zip
    1481 year ago

    It’s possible. I think the biggest obstacle is that the corporations feeding on people’s data are not going to just stand by while it happens.

    • @[email protected]
      581 year ago

      Another big obstacle is the general UX of these platforms. Major companies have teams of user experience analysis and researchers that, while not always “winning” as compared to product or business driven decisions, absolutely have a (generally positive) impact on the product. Onboarding, retention, etc.

      The fediverse has all the standard frictions of most OSS, like talking about itself, it’s technology, etc when the fact is 99% of users dgaf.

      I might go so far as to argue the perceived complexity is a bigger barrier than the risk of sabotage from other businesses. I am optimistic the growing list of third party apps will help solve some of these issues, as long as they take things like the sign up process and server selection into their scope.

      • @[email protected]
        271 year ago

        I don’t think UX will be that big of a problem, in the past the unofficial reddit apps were all better than the official one. Major companies design by committee and the UX is meant too maximize profit and engagement statistics for advertising, rather than be “good”. A lot of open source UIs are better than their paid counterparts. I think PopOS is far nicer than windows 11.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        That and the servers are under such stress that it makes for a stuttery beginning for any new usrrs. Even just trying to upvote you and comment was a process. First this page wouldn’t load properly, then then the upvote didn’t show, then the screen jumped around when I tried to reply.

        This site and any other will only replace Reddit etc if it’s got people. It only gets people if new users can use the platform. We’re not quite there yet. The people here now are willing to put up with growing pains but if it doesn’t improve soon people will move on

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          The problem is that everyone has consolidated on one gargantuan server. The whole point of the fediverse is to spread out so no one server is carrying the entire load. I’m currently using lemm.ee and have experienced none of the issues being discussed here.

          But yes, I agree that it could be a potential turn off for newcomers.

          • DMmeYourNudes
            11 year ago

            Spreading out would help the performance of the servers but would still expose inefficiencies in the backend systems that they use to talk to each other. The page might load, but the content will be all kinds of fucked.

          • @[email protected]
            -31 year ago

            It’s a huge turn off. And federation itself adds to the problem when the servers don’t match up properly.

        • @[email protected]
          111 year ago

          Create an account off of lemmy.world and see if you have the same issues. A smaller instance can handle things easier. It have 2 but use the one that was most up-to-date and responsive.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            See that’s part of the problem. You shouldnt need to have to create a bunch of accounts just to use a site. People aren’t going to stick around to find time their social media. They want it to just work.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              I don’t disagree that it’s a weakness. But that just is how it is for now. I’d guess that it will settle down to a few dozen “strong” instances that are all federated together, with hundreds more smaller instances available, but right now there are like 5 super-packed instances (lemmy.world, sh.itjust.works, kbin.social, etc) which are getting killed with a double-whammy: all the users and all the communities are on them.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        Decentralized nature of Lemmy is also going to be confusing for the average Joe. When they to go to web site of Lemmy and see a list of instances to choose from, with communities spread all over them they are just going to nope out.

      • b3nsn0w
        11 year ago

        yeah, lemmy’s current web app is very much in the “made for nerds by nerds” category as far as i see. lots of cool tools to express yourself and not many useless limitations, but on the other hand it’s kinda confusing if you’re not that techy. it’s absolutely learnable but it would do very poorly on a hallway usability test.

        and it’s understandable why that is so, lemmy itself is being developed by two people who have their hands full putting out a thousand other fires, as well as sorting through the community’s contributions. but there’s still a lot that will have to improve in the future – although I’m completely sure that when it does, it will be way better than what a corporate alternative would be like. those tend to do well with attracting new users but they also tend to be out of touch and suffer from stupid one-off decisions by middle managers trying to get promoted.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      Even a healthy competitor, niche, or mainstream would be so nice. Lemmy already hits with some solid weight imo.

    • Kit Sorens
      -41 year ago

      And do what? Make a better product? The beauty of Capitalism is that consumers really are the final say on whether your product succeeds. You can make an app with as many addictive hooks as possible, but that doesn’t make those users permanent. And any sabbotage by Reddit will only dig in our heels at this point.

      • @[email protected]
        361 year ago

        If the fediverse starts gaining traction, you can bet the mega-corps will use every dirty trick they have to co-opt it or, if that fails, undermine it.

          • AlternActive
            41 year ago

            Threads is only slealing twitter’s user space, which i can totally get behind. Fuck elon musk. Even if it benefits the lizardman.

      • @[email protected]
        221 year ago

        I hear what you’re saying, but Lemmy was created to oppose the capitalist exploitation cycle. With Lemmy, we aren’t consumers or a product. Lemmy is actually firmly rooted in anti-capitalism and arose because capitalism destroys choice.

        Capitalism isn’t necessary for innovation. It is just the private ownership of things. Spez didn’t make Reddit great, for example. Other people did. Spez is just a do-nothing owner who is now the mouth piece for bigger do-nothing owners looking to wring out maximum profit from unpaid laborers.

        I’d argue that capitalism stifles innovation, which is why everyone agrees that you need competition. A market economy. And broad anti-trust regulations, since capitalism is inherently authoritarian since it is a top-down hierarchical structure. A free-ish market is what allowed us to innovate so quickly.

        But Lemmy is outside of that since it isn’t driven by profit.

          1 year ago

          People use “capitalism” in different ways. The person you responded to probably meant it as “free marked system”, which Lemmy absolutely fits into. Often “capitalism” is used to mean “profit seeking system”, which Lemmy doesn’t fit into.

          Both of these uses are common.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Capitalism provides an incentive to make money. It allows you to buy things or donthings. However sometimes the thing we want to do is socialise. So people code to make that happen. People run instances to make that happen. The incentive is community instead of money.

          Capitalism still provides incentive for innovation. So does our need for interaction. I’m hoping that the decentralised nature and federisariinnmakeanthay possible for other projects. We could all start having our own foss servers in our homes that hold our photos, our social media, email and news. With no ads and no snooping. This could be the next phase of our internet connected lives.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I don’t think you need to have the largest following to have great value, even lemmy as it is right now feels great. I’ll actually want to dive into comment sections compared to the endless scrolling on reddit.

    As long as there’s enough people using a platform for a variety of ideas and experience in topics, I think that’s good enough for me.

    • @[email protected]
      301 year ago

      Personally, I don’t even want Lemmy/kbin to become Reddit 2.0.

      Reddit from 10 years ago is the goal for me. Reddit has become far, far too bloated for its own good, and that line was crossed a long time ago IMO. Let’s just enjoy what we have. Let all the normies stay on Reddit, the people I wanna vibe with are here already.

      • DMmeYourNudes
        11 year ago

        The problem is that nitch communities won’t get populated unless a lot of people join. The league of legends sub is the largest video game sub on Reddit, and here it’s barely active at all.

    • @twistedtxb
      211 year ago

      I agree. A vast majority of the userbase don’t mind the countless ads on Reddit or Twitter, on even FB. I think people are leaving FB because it’s not cool anymore, not because the UE has gotten worse.

      I’m just glad that there now are smaller, more tailored for my preferences alternatives like Lemmy

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Yes I think about Hacker News, which isn’t technically sophisticated nor does it have a massive userbase (a little less than 1 million registered accounts).

      It manages to have a steady stream of content and an active commenting base

      • redcalcium
        1 year ago

        A big part of it is probably having full time paid moderators to manage their community well.

  • Margot Robbie
    941 year ago

    Not everyone who left Digg went to reddit, and not everyone who left Myspace went to Facebook. “Replacing” reddit should never be the goal, it should be “be better than reddit”.

    If this is ever to go mainstream, what we should be concerned about is making good, high quality original content. If people see us having fun and being nice here, they’ll want to join in too.

    • Deez
      151 year ago

      +1 for doing your part to build a nice community!

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Great point about the high-quality original content. I remember before Reddit was popular, that’s where much of the original content was generated, and it would eventually be reposted on Digg. Reddit had the reputation of being tomorrow’s Digg homepage today.

      • Margot Robbie
        21 year ago

        Likewise, I think the way we know we’ve made it is when the reddit reposts here stop, and Lemmy posts are reposted on reddit instead.

  • @[email protected]
    621 year ago

    In their current state, definitely not. There is a real bubble effect browsing on Lemmy because it feels like 1 post out of 3 is just praising the platform, but I think they’re far from ready to become mainstream. I’d say there are for now 2 major problems:

    • The global instability (a lot of bugs, many third party apps, but a poor on-boarding with the main website).

    • It was made by engineers and marketed by engineers. The federated aspect should IMO be public and known, but seamless. It should be possible to just create an account and start browsing without having to do some research on how the thing works. The technical aspect of the fediverse is great, but it’s also its main drawback, I believe that hiding it for newcomers could be a way of not scaring them.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      I agree about the bubble effect. I feel it, too, even though I don’t consider myself in a bubble. I truly am enjoying Lemmy and the conversations more than anything else even somewhat similar to it. The smallish nature of the community probably combined with the slightly elevated bar for joining means the riff raff isn’t here in large numbers yet.

      Lemmy, today, honestly reminds me of Reddit 15 years ago.

      Perhaps this is the bubble effect, but I have a high confidence level in the major third party devs being able to streamline the sign up process. It is already happening in some apps.

      The stability problems are another story. I encourage people to go to the front page of their respective communities and look for donation links. Even $1/mo on Patreon can snowball into large sums as Lemmy.World shows.

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      I agree, but I’m also optimistic because the glitchiness, server performance, and user interface issues are all things that can be fixed in the future.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Agreed with the second part. I think the federated servers are a neat concept, but at the end of the day what made reddit easier was that everything was on one server. You create an account and that’s it, you can browse every subreddit.

      I hope it’ll grow more, but rnow I think they should work on making the whole experience more seamless

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I feel like there should be a button of “hey you want me to handle this for you and pick an instance” I managed to figure out the basics and liked the post office example that memmy uses where I can mail a letter to my fellow lemm.ee friends down the street but can also get mail and news from across the country. Helpful admins are also good. I’m not super duper tech literate but I figured it out.

      Like I said reducing barriers to entry will be helpful because I didn’t come here till Apollo kicked the bucket

    • calr0x
      11 year ago

      Just my opinion but that ease of use will come in time. The more the learning curve exists the more we will get the power users that made Reddit special and the more Lemmy will stay special.

      I don’t want the Reddit of today on Lemmy. I want the Reddit 10 years ago when there was a fraction of the users on it.

      We are doomed to ultimately have the same struggles that read it ended up with in terms of content and users but we can keep it held off as long as possible.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I disagree with you, yes, ease of use will come for power users, but in the end it’s the diversity of people interacting with the platform that creates communities with valuable content. And to attract more people the platform needs less friction at on-boarding.

        • calr0x
          11 year ago

          Where we disagree is that I believe the level of knowledge needed to form that community is higher than you’re giving credit but time will tell! ;)

  • utg
    511 year ago

    Yes, but not in the way you’d think.

    I think lemmy won’t be easy enough to use for a vast majority of users, they’ll stick to the traditional platforms.

    However, I think if the hype continues for a while, and the little kinks are ironed out soon enough, it will give rise to a new, different kind of platform.

    People have this idea that lemmy will replace reddit and just become Reddit 2.0. I think lemmy is still a place similar to a phoenix burning. The new bird has yet to take it’s first breath, and it’ll be quiet different from what we imagine or what we are used to today

    • Anca
      91 year ago

      @utg @nostupidquestions that’s a great way to put it. We are just starting to see what this new social media fediverse will look lol. It’s exciting!

    • littleclover
      11 year ago

      There’s still a long journey to go through for lemmy so I’m not expecting it to be popular among people for the next 3 years. But as more and more corporate showing their stupid mindset and lash out more shenanigans, it’s not unreasonable to be optimistic that people finally find and enjoy the value of the fediverse.

  • @[email protected]
    481 year ago

    Replace? No. Be a valiable second option? Sure. Like in the early 2000 when you had dozens of major forums for certain topics. Something Awful, GameFAQs, Digg, Slashdot, 4chan, NeoGAF… It‘s not a natural law that there has to be one service having 95 % of the discussion market locked up.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago

      Yes! Very much this. Imagine if lemmy would grow to just a few million users. That’s the size of Digg when the migration to Reddit happened! Not everything needs to have a billion users and there’s more engagement in small communities anyway.

      • Dirk Darkly
        11 year ago

        There’s a reason Reddit has the reputation of being a cesspool, barring some smaller niche communities. Having everyone on the same platform just spreads brainrot until it becomes a pointless exercise of repeating the same comments/posts.

        On the hand, smaller communties with a minor barrier to entry seems to encourage much more worthwhile engagement.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yeah. This makes me think of people who assume Tumblr is dead and unusable when everyone left, whereas in reality it has had a resurgence of creativity instead. Things like Goncharov happen because the people there still have a critical mass.

      Platform don’t die. They can flounder a bit, and I’m sure that even Reddit and Lemmy will one day do so too. But they’re there.

  • kaffeeringe
    291 year ago

    We are so used to the idea that a social media network has to dominate the world - ekse it’s a failure. If Lemmy, Mastodon, Pixelfed or your old fishing forum is enjoyed by some people, it’s a success.

  • @[email protected]
    291 year ago

    Well, bugs and UI aside, it seems like Lemmy can work but there’s not a lot of substantive discussion right now. The most upvoted stuff are memes and other low effort content. I’m not sure how long a bean meme can sustain serious activity.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      The most upvoted stuff, yes, but if you would block those meme communities (or aren’t subscribed), you actually do get to the substantive discussion. The problem is the sorting algorithms right now, hot ranks recent 2 upvote posts much too high, while top ignores smaller, less upvote-heavy communities.

      We either need something in between or hot to finally take community size into account.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      That’s my issue right now. Half the posts on the communities page are about how awesome Lemmy/fediverse is (many of which have been there for days). The rest are either trashing Reddit and Twitter or memes and shitposts. I have to scroll quite a ways to find any actual content, and there’s much less interaction on those posts.

      I’ve found multiple communities I’d be interested in, but it seems like many of them had some posts a week or two ago and nothing since.

      It’s already getting tiring to have to scroll past the same “Isn’t Lemmy awesome!” posts.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      That’s fair, but at the same time Reddit is full of the same, but also has 1000x more bots, shills, and karma-collectors. The actual human engagement is only a little bit higher than the fediverse imho.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Yeah but Reddit has 18 years of history and content behind it. So you will always find something worth reading. Here, I’m losing interest quickly. Memes are boring, I want to see some substantive discussion about something I don’t know anything about - something which Reddit and its userbase still excels at.

  • @[email protected]
    291 year ago

    Personally seems like an almost insurmountable hill to become popular and mainstream. It’s not that I don’t think it’s possible, I just don’t think that there is a significant push for it to do so. There’s no corporate advertising to help push it.

    Is that a problem though? Does it need to become popular and mainstream?

    • SpaceBar
      81 year ago

      Right! Why does everyone need to be here? Quality over quantity.

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    I honestly couldn’t care less. I rather hangout with you cool degenerates than the rest of the mainstream.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    I’ve been on Lemmy for about five minutes; I think that in time it could take a really strong market share from Reddit, because Reddit, even in its success, is kinda niche. The platform just needs to be functional; the communities are what makes it worthwhile. Mastodon, I think, will have a harder time as it’s attempting to ape twitter, which is by its nature a bit broader.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    I don’t understand why everyone is talking about this going mainstream or winning against Reddit. If that happens then in come the corporate interests to ruin it. We don’t need to take on the unlimited growth unsustainable business model we can just be happy with what we have

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    God I hope so, I’m so tired of every aspect of our lives being monetized or having an ad shoved into our faces.

  • SapienSRC
    131 year ago

    Like a lot of people here have already said, I think a different space is being created for those that are more in the know. The average person just isn’t as invested or versed in what’s going on to move to a different platform when the current is working fine for them.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    I think we need to see how the content and platform grow organically over time. Reddit is an incredible resource and forum for very niche communities that don’t really have a better place to chat outside of Facebook or things like that - where they can remain anonymous.

    The whole concept of different worlds connected to communities might scare some people off - but I think naturally new apps will pop up that streamline this whole thing.