• @[email protected]
      119 months ago

      The Colorado Supreme Court is most certainly not the highest court in the land… I would like to see this reviewed at the federal level, because it appears unconstitutional.

      • @[email protected]
        99 months ago

        I hate to break it to you but look at the current supreme court and sincerely tell me they won’t uphold this bullshit.

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      Now you know not to search on Google regarding planned acts of terrorism against the establishment tyranny. But what the heck are you doing searching on Google anyway?

      We know that police and courts don’t believe in fourth amendment protections, especially when it comes to people they really want to convict. The problem is, when they justify illegally obtained evidence for child molesters and serial killers, then it’s easy to justify the same for illegal parkers in non-white neighborhoods, or persons protesting against law enforcement overreach.

      And that’s why the state of the US engages in the same indictments that are listed in the US Declaration of Independence.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        I’m a computer engineer with over 30 years of experience. If I’d want to be a terrorist, they can Monitor google, and they wouldn’t find me. They can decrypt WhatsApp and a few others and they’d still not find me. They wouldn’t be able to find anyone halfway capable.

        What they WOULD find is a lot of people just going about their day.

        Makes you wonder who they’re trying to target with all this shit.

        Banning encryption won’t stop child porn, not even a little bit

        Monitoring google won’t stop terrorism (or child porn) not even a little bit

        Can we please Please PLEASE make a law that requires politicians to know what they’re taking about? If a politician votes about banning encryption, he either know what it does and why it works or if he doesn’t know, he.doesnt get to vote.

  • @[email protected]
    379 months ago

    i am quite sure such programs allready exists for a long time.

    everything you do on servers owned by american companys will get u scored.

    the nsa has a folder for allmost every human who ever used the internet, and doing certain things will rank u up in score.

    Once your score reaches a critical high, human may check your folder to see if u are just a courios child searching for diy fireworks or a potential terrorist.

    If that human sees the remote chance that u are the second type, they then keep close taps on you.

    And if they see u buying sketchy shit then may come to your door to check up on you.

    Google once had the motto: “dont be evil”.

    People need to realize…they where not talking about themself.

    • Chaotic Entropy
      79 months ago

      Just remember to Google the occasional obedient remark.

      “Why am I so gosh darn patriotic?”

      “Is it normal to never want to hurt the USA?”

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        i just paste whole movie subtitles into search line by line with a script…giving the NSA check person some culture.

        Fun fact: after doing this for a few years u get plausible deniability cause everything u say could just have been another movie quote

  • @Gooey0210
    209 months ago

    Weren’t they doing it since the snowden leaks?

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Yes at the national security level. Now civilization police can do it directly.

      Before the organizations had to coordinate and come up with an excuse for having the data, commonly referred to as parallel construction. Now they don’t have to do that work

      • @Gooey0210
        29 months ago

        Google, good, god bless the country of freedom

    • Possibly linux
      39 months ago

      I think they have been doing that since the beginning of time (or at least the beginning of wired phones)

  • @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    I’m a computer engineer with over 30 years of experience. If I’d want to be a terrorist, they can Monitor google, and they wouldn’t find me. They can decrypt WhatsApp and a few others and they’d still not find me. They wouldn’t be able to find anyone halfway capable.

    What they WOULD find is a lot of people just going about their day.

    Makes you wonder who they’re trying to target with all this shit.

    Banning encryption won’t stop child porn, not even a little bit

    Monitoring google won’t stop terrorism (or child porn) not even a little bit

    Can we please Please PLEASE make a law that requires politicians to know what they’re taking about? If a politician votes about banning encryption, he either know what it does and why it works or if he doesn’t know, he.doesnt get to vote.

  • @[email protected]
    99 months ago

    Duck duck go protects you from this, correct?

    Why would anyone use Google after this precedent?

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    Bui in messages to Seymour and his sister said he wanted to get back at the people who robbed him, stating, “They’re going to get theirs like I got mine.” Bui on Aug. 2, messaged Seymour and wrote, “#possiblyruinourfuturesandburnhishousedown”.
