July 4 (Reuters) - China has announced export restrictions on some gallium and germanium products, metals used in computer chips and other products, citing national security interests.
Here’s the thing about resource based export bans: prices will go up and as a result new producers/mines will enter the market. In time, new alternatives will be found, cost of production will go down, and china will loose its comparative advantage permanently.
… you’re supposed to cut access to those shortly before the war, to cause maximum headaches. If there’s a war actually soon, then they picked the dumbest timing they possibly could. The west is in a state of partially mobilized war production, in an effort to supply Ukraine.
And US soldiers are not involved in any foreign wars for the first time in awhile. That lowers our threshold for hitting an America-fuck-yea moment significantly.
Primary Reference: https://youtu.be/LasrD6SZkZk
And US soldiers are not involved in any foreign wars for the first time in awhile.
Yep, they’ve been using ukrainians as cannon fodder recently.
We never ordered them to defend themselves. Get your Russian bs out of here.
You literally overthrew a democratically elected government in coup in 2014 and put in a client regime that’s currently using press gangs to kidnap people off the street and send them to die. Your senator by the name of Lindsey Graham recently quipped how this war was the best money your regime ever spent. Get your emprie bs out of here.
Makes claim of nation building yet can’t name the nation it occurred in.
How does Putin’s arse taste?
That’s about the level of argument I’ve come to expect from the likes of you.
You’re regurgitating Kremlin talking points and whataboutisms. None of which justify Russia’s invasion, breaking international law, breaking international agreements, crimes against humanity or attempted genocide of the Ukrainian people.
Nah, I’m stating plain documented facts. The fact that you can’t engage with reality is entirely your problem. Next, you’re gonna tell me that John Mearsheimer is a Russian propagandist, and seeing the comments you’ve already made I wouldn’t even be surprised that you believe that
I’m not sure why you’d bring Hong Kong into this
I’m sure you couldn’t find HK on the map.
Lmao I’ve been there more than you.
Oof, the fact that I have family in China really upsets the racists on this forum. How about we skip ahead a few steps and y’all just take the mask off and call me a race traitor.
I’m sure
Haven’t drank any coffee yet. Reading the title I thought this was going to effect the potato chip supply chain.
Mmm. The melt-in-your-mouth flavour of gallium.
(It melts at like 30C if you’re not familiar)
Lay’s BBQ chips. New and improved gallium free recipe.
Germanium ores are rare and most germanium is a by-product of zinc production and from coal fly ash.
Gallium is found in trace amounts in zinc ores and in bauxite, and gallium metal is produced when processing bauxite to make aluminium.
USA: Sanctions China chip industry. China: Restricts some specific exports that affect the ship industry.
USA: Surprised Pikachu Face