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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/thisgameroverhere on 2023-07-04 13:39:20+00:00.
(Sorry for the bad grammar I’m still a dumb teenager and this is the longest paragraph I’ve typed on reddit)
So when I bought this can of spray for like 5 bucks I thought it was some air freshener, so as soon as I got home I sprayed it all over my room (like literally every fucking corner), thinking that the air in my room will become so much fresher. Side note: my room is really dirty since my house is like really old and I have been living here my whole life without a single renovation.
Shortly after I begun salivating a lot and I mean a lot, to the point where my whole mouth was full of saliva. I had run to the sink to spit it out so many times that I lost count, yet the saliva didnt stop coming. And when I spit in the sink the liquid was like clear water.
After like 3 hours the saliva lessened but my throat felt really dry so I drank some water (which tasted bitter as fuck)
Lesson learnt: read the label on the can before spraying it all over your room, or risk almost poisoning yourself.
TL;DR: I almost poisoned myself by spraying disinfectant spray all over my room thinking that it was air freshener, and started salivating a lot.