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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/thowmeaway239 on 2023-07-04 18:32:41+00:00.
TIFU by asking my GF if she left the door to the toilet open on purpose.
quick background: we moved recently into a new flat. in our old flat the door to our bathroom was always open (because of reasons…)
in our new flat the bathroom and toilet are separate rooms and we briefly talked about it where i suggested that i would prefer to have the door closed.
so the last week went by when i mostly closed the door, but she kept it open.
I briefly thought about if she did this on purpose or just is not used to it.
So today when i got home and the door was open again i asked her “do you leave the door open on purpose”.
This was apparently a huge mistake, and i know i could have used a better way to ask.
Now she is pissed because apparently my question suggests/implies that she would do such a thing on purpose.
and because i tried to argue why that is not the case i apparently try to make myself look like the victim of the discussion.
TL;DR: asked GF if she left door open on purpose, now i am the bad guy for implying she would do such a thing. now she is pissed at me