I’ve read people complaining on (ahem) discussion groups dedicated to other notetaking apps about how awful the mobile Joplin apps are, and how they’re the reason blocking them from using the app. I don’t find them awful. I find them perfectly functional and getting better with each big update. I see them as extensions to the desktop app. They don’t do everything the desktop app does, but neither did Evernote when I used it. I’ve just finished writing an academic article using Joplin, which is my litmus test.

Keep going developers. You’re doing fine, and your work is appreciated.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    So true, desktop plugins makes it great, almost same as Obsidian 2md brain functions and yes mobiles apps needs some work but they are great better than google keep or apple notes. So i do everything on desktop and just use Joplin mobile app for viewing or lil edits. And if you like I’ll suggest you to checkout Rustlin a Joplin client app (encrypted sync won’t and is only for Android based material design)

    • @CrazyEyesEddieOP
      11 year ago

      Hmm… couldn’t find rustlin for Joplin.

      I can continue to use them as they are now, and any new features will be bonuses. :)

  • Daeraxa
    11 year ago

    Yeah I think it depends on what people expect. I’ve never used the mobile app for serious editing - and that isn’t specific to Joplin, this is exactly how I used Evernote. The mobile app for me is much more for “consumption” than “creation”. Sure I do make some edits on mobile but generally I’ll just do some rough editing then polish it up later on desktop.

    • @CrazyEyesEddieOP
      11 year ago

      It works surprisingly well on an iPad with a keyboard. Well, as well as any markdown editor. On the iPad you just have what you’re typing, no rendering or anything. I’ve judged markdown for years, and this is as good as any editor I’ve used…particularly with the new formatting tools.