As you might’ve noticed if you visited our community page after this post, I made a very cool looking banner (or so my mum tells me). Thing is, I don’t use that many plugins on my own, and what better way to make the banner look interesting than to put your favorite plugins in there? This page will also serve as a cool overview of different plugins our community uses, so be sure to post all of your favorites! I’ll pick the coolest-looking ones for the banner!

This post is gonna stay up until I decide that the banner is done (and perhaps we’ll make it a seasonal thing to swap it out, who knows?) I’ll update this banner in my spare time when you guys post some things to add.

To get on the banner, comment the name of a plugin and the company or a name of the person who made it. You can also post a link to its page or your own screenshot of the plugin, if you want.

I don’t know what the limit is to how many plugins I can put in the image, but we should have a lot of space (and we’re not limited to the amount of spots currently on the list). I suppose as long as every individual plugin is recognizable when shrinked, we’re all good!

Right now the banner features:

(in order: columns from left to right )

  1. Pro-Q 3 by Fabfilter posted by many
  2. SPAN by Voxengo
  3. MSED by Voxengo
  4. Sforzando by Plogue
  5. Vital by Vital Audio
  6. Decapitator by Soundtoys posted by u/[email protected]
  7. 1176 Collection by Universal Audio posted for being a classic
  8. Pigments by Arturia posted by u/DASEIN
  9. Saturn by Fabfilter posted by u/[email protected]
  10. Zener-Bender by Softube Chandler posted by u/ebauche
  11. Aalto by Madrona Labs posted by u/DASEIN
  12. XO by XLN Audio posted by u/[email protected]
  13. 2500 Bus Compressor by Api posted by u/[email protected]
  14. Comper by Analog Obsession posted by u/goosehorse
  15. Surge XT by Surge Synth Team posted by u/[email protected]
  16. Sausage Fattener by Dada Life posted by chaos incarnate
  17. Replika XT by Native Instruments posted by u/ebauche
  18. Permut8 by Sonic Charge posted by u/DASEIN
  19. Omnisphere by Spectrasonics posted by u/Shadowbait
  20. Shaperbox by Cableguys posted by u/[email protected]
  21. Nova Dynamic EQ by Tokyo Dawn Records posted by u/goosehorse
  22. Super VHS by Baby Audio posted by u/Shadowbait
  23. PaulStretch by Sonasaurus posted by u/[email protected]
  24. EQ232D by Bettermaker posted by u/DASEIN
  25. “Space Echo” Delay Tape-201 by Arturia posted by u/[email protected]
  26. Supermassive by Valhalla posted by u/[email protected]
  27. Gullfoss by Soundtheory posted by u/Shadowbait
  28. Raum by Native Instruments posted by u/Shadowbait
  29. Deelay by Sixth Sample posted by u/[email protected]

I’ll swap out the placeholders for your submissions and credit you! Like this:

Stuff by Cool People posted by u/supercoolperson

And that’s about it. and will have different banners (in the same style), so we can do something different with both of them! Post away!

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I’m newish to the plugin space, but two that I’ve found myself using quite a bit are:

    Analog Obsession’s Comper

    Comper is a compressor with both serial and parallel options. I feel like I’ve gotten better sounds from this than the official Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor emulations from Plugin Alliance. Of course, that could be user error — I am a lowly live sound engineer, after all ;)

    Tokyo Dawn’s Records’ Nova Dynamic EQ

    I just like the way this one sounds. Does what I want with a good spectrum analyzer built in. I intend to purchase the full version soon, but I’ve found the free version very useful in my mixes. On the mastering side, I leaned into rhe Kirchoff EQ from Plugin Alliance, but it seems a bit unstable and feels a little overkill on the mixes where Nova gets the job done just fine.

    • @anthromusicnote
      21 year ago

      lol, I might just put a small image of like 6 of them XD

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    My favourite synth plugin by far is definitely SurgeXT

    and when I’m stuck or run out of ideas I just love to drown everything in Valhalla Supermassive :) No matter what crap I made before, it makes a soothing porridge out of everything :D

    even better in combination with the vst version of PaulStretch

    And I like Deelay It’s pretty neat for sound design.

  • DASEIN餓鬼
    1 year ago

    Here are (probably) my most used plugins - I can see you’ve already got the UAD 1176 collection up there so I’ll not bother mentioning them (but the Rev A is just brilliant) 😊:

    • Aruria Pigments
    • Soundtoys Echoboy
    • Sonic Charge Permut8
    • Bettermaker EQ (Plugin Alliance)
    • Madrona Labs Aalto

    Nice idea by the way - it looks good!

    • @[email protected]OPM
      21 year ago

      Thanks for your kind words and suggestions! I put them all up, except I only found out I missed echoboy when I started to list down everything I added. I might put it in there next time I need to update it

  • Ebauche
    11 year ago

    Probably my single most used plugin in FabFilter ProQ 3. I can’t think of a mixdown I haven’t used it on. Outside of that I have a lot of love for the Softube Chandler Zener-Bender and Replika XT by Native Instruments

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Let’s dig into the plug-in folder…

    I’d keep FF pro Q3 and UA 1176

    Cableguys shaperbox Fabfilter Saturn Soundtoys Decapitator Arturia’s Space Echo emulation UAD API 2500 XLN XO Valhalla vintage verb

    And just to be cheeky, maybe toss is Sausage Fattener.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      31 year ago

      Alright, alright, I’ll toss it up for you with the Sausage fattener, you devious being

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’m mostly a hardware guy but I do use a few plugins:

    • Omnisphere (Spectrasonics)
    • Super VHS (Baby Audio)
    • Raum (Native Instruments)
    • Gulfoss (Soundtheory)
    • @[email protected]OPM
      11 year ago

      They’re up! Thanks for the suggestions!

      Also, I’ve never heard of an automatic EQ, it sounds super interesting. What do you use Gullfoss for?

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I use it as a master effect to improve my final mix. I don’t fully understand how it works, but it basically increases clarity while reducing harshness.