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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/instant-regret843 on 2023-07-05 00:42:52+00:00.

There are a couple of my colleagues who are close, too close that you might think something is fishy between them. But my stupid ass chose to ignore all the hints I saw. One reason is that they lied because they don’t want it to be known in office. So, they both said they were single all along. ‘How could a guy and a girl be this close? I don’t know. This might be normal, maybe I haven’t seen the world enough’, I thought.

There were people who told me I had a chance with her. I didn’t used to like her very much but I started to, after I was told she’s giving me the “vibes”. She is exactly the kind of person I would want in my life. The catch is that in person, we used to talk for hours but she doesn’t care to reply to my texts. So, I was never sure she liked me. I ended up not telling her my feelings at all. Everyday, we started getting closer and she started talking to me more, enough to make me believe I still have a chance.

So, the guy is moving to a different country and she started acting very depressed. I tried to ask her what’s going on but I know when to take no for an answer. So, I didn’t trouble her. Recently, she had an anxiety attack and no one was there to help and it was bad.

Today I found out from someone else that they were dating. Only reason she wanted me to know is that someone would wanna be with her if and when she gets another anxiety attack. My whole world turned upside down. I haven’t been this sad since my dad died 14 years ago. I have been rejected, made fool of, been laughed at. But this is the saddest. I didn’t have dinner properly, couldn’t sleep and now I woke up at 4 AM and all I can think of is what might have happened between them all these days, physically and otherwise. It is keeping me up. I kind of had a minor anxiety attack myself sleepless at 5 AM, I felt I’ll die by the time, anyone else wakes up. I’m going to my mom’s house for a little while tomorrow and I don’t want to come back. I don’t want to look at her face anymore. I mean, she did nothing wrong but I am angry. I wouldn’t be I this mad or sad if it was someone else. I am made a fool of again.

This is my first post on reddit. Please be kind.

TL;DR: I had feelings for a colleague who turned out to be dating another colleague. I had a minor anxiety attack this morning thinking of them together.