I’ve been getting a lot of these messages lately:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

So I decided to look at the network requests in the browser console. After all, what JSON data was it trying and failing to parse?

Well, turns out that it was pretty much always:

Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available

I don’t do a lot of backend work, but I suspect that the lack of slots might be referring to the server running out of resources to process all of the ongoing user activity concurrently. Could we be running into scaling issues?

  • [email protected]A
    2 years ago

    Yea, rate-limiting per user instead of per IP might be a bit more complicated.
    Appreciate the work y’all put into this.
    You guys seem to handle fine, but if you need to toss a few ideas at a network engineer, ping me.