For me it’s Watame, her fluffy and kind personality really hooked me and seeing how precious she is in 3D made me want to support her.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Fauna. She’s funny, she’s a memer like there is no other. She also has that onee-san aura around her… I watch her every night to sleep, her voice is really soothing.

    • nazunaOP
      21 year ago

      S+ choice my brother. 🌱

    • nazunaOP
      31 year ago

      Oof, my condolences.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    On the EN side it was Sana… she sounded like someone I knew when I was younger and it was super comforting just listening to her talk.

    After her graduation I hooked into Fauna. I’m not into ASMR, but her gaming streams are so good (she’s kind of like a Hololive Northern Lion if that makes sense). She’s so quick witted and so engaging.

    On JP side it’s probably Haachama. I live in her back catalog though, watching old vods. The more I think about it, the harder it gets for me to pick. I have an unusual fondness for Roboco, Towa, Subaru, Nenechi, Botan… I’ll always make time to watch Luna play the electone… I don’t know. I like them all a lot.

    The ID girls are great too, I love Kaela, but she’s so much of a time sink. Kobo’s collabs are hysterical.

    For the boys it’s Izuru, Astel and Vesper. I loved Fuma debut era, his original rap verses were amazing and the Shanti cover was great, but I feel like his hasn’t leaned into it even though it’s clearly a standout skill.

    • nazunaOP
      31 year ago

      I’ve been watching Northernlion since 2014 so when I heard that Fauna is also an avid watcher of him I knew that I would enjoy her streams.

    • nazunaOP
      31 year ago

      For eternity! 🍞🍞🍞

    • nazunaOP
      21 year ago


  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Subaru. I really love her voice and she’s just precious. I like the fact that she sounds kinda like Goku 💀

    • nazunaOP
      11 year ago

      Subaru is great, love how she includes translated notes in her streams for the overseas fans.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Mumei. I share quite a few of her personality quirks, and of all the fantastic singing voices in Hololive, Mumei more than anyone else has the ability to make me just stop what I’m doing and listen.

    On the JP side the one I follow most is Towa for similar reasons (holy shit her voice!), so you could imagine my excitement when Mumei sang Palette for the Connect the World concert.

    • nazunaOP
      1 year ago

      I could definitely imagine your excitement since I went crazy when Fauna sang Watame’s sweet night, sweet time

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    It’s Ina for me. I watched all of EN’s debut and her dopey chill streams always put me in a better mood. I watch most of EN though.

    • nazunaOP
      11 year ago

      I’m a takodachi as well, guess I just really like the chill girls since I also watch a lot of Fauna and she’s basically the EN version of Watame.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Bae and Fauna, probably because their streams times are the most convenient for me tbh. Not that I don’t have reasons to love them but I’m pretty sure I could find something to love about any holomem I could consistently watch, and that just happens to be these two.

    • nazunaOP
      11 year ago

      Great choices. Have you listened to Bae’s EP yet? She’s solidified herself as one of Hololives top singers with it IMO.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        So good! Drown is my current favourite track. I actually foolishly ignored Bae’s music for about a year before I discovered what I’d been missing out on.

        • nazunaOP
          11 year ago

          Drown is so good, definitely my favorite after Psycho.

  • AZmaybe9
    21 year ago

    I’m a MASSIVE fan of IRyS! The way she’s like a princess that was locked up in a tower with the only view of the outside world through anime and Manga has made the utmost unpredictable girl I’ve ever seen. She’s a joy to watch while I work and her streams are long enough I could finish around the same time she does! (Either that or she just keeps going, the mad lass)

    I also love how brave and persistent she is in horror games. And that she pays attention to the logs and other stuff that really completes the atmosphere. So her streams never feel like a cheap gimmick for easy screams. If anything, her YabaiRys “gimmick” is primarily what keeps you on your toes because you have no idea what comes out of that girl’s mouth next!

    To top all of this is the healthy relationship with Bae. To me, it makes me less worried about others being too parasocial about her like the other talents, because she’s got her wife that we all root for.

    Also, Till the End of Me is an absolutely amazing song!

    • nazunaOP
      31 year ago

      IRyS needs to have a solo concert, her voice is just too good.

  • rem26_art
    21 year ago

    I feel like I have one for each branch.

    Mumei for EN because she’s just so funny and an incredible singer.
    Zeta for ID because she’s just wild.
    Koyori for JP because she has an endless amount of determination

    • nazunaOP
      31 year ago

      I see your preference in streamers is that of the “unhinged” variety.

      • rem26_art
        21 year ago

        lmao i guess thats true. My oshi for Nijisanji is Pomu, so that really fits

    • nazunaOP
      11 year ago

      IRyS is so funny and goofy.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I mean, Gura and Kronii forever. Something about both of them, the humour and timing of jokes just hits me perfectly. But ever since Gura got busy with holsummer and fell off streaming a bit (which is fine! Still love her) I started catching up on Fauna and Ina streams because they’re very relaxed and easy to listen to. Agent FaunaSeven has been a wonderful experience as I catch up, especially.

    • nazunaOP
      11 year ago

      Bet you enjoyed the recent Gura/Kronii powerwashing stream.