do you find it difficult to get into games? I’ve got Epic Games and Steam Games libraries chock-full of classic top-tier games along with many other newer games like Stray or 2077, and a bunch of indie titles. I just can’t be bothered to download and install them, much less try to get into the characters and storylines. Used to be I couldn’t wait to see what happened in the story, what new items you could collect, what new worlds the developers had created. Not anymore. I return to playing the same franchise for a quick FPS match or three and then I’m done.
I have noticed it’s been harder and harder to find something I want to play. I’ve gone down both my Steam library and my wishlist going “No…no…no…god no…”
A lot of my games that I thoroughly enjoyed in the past but I am done with. These include the entire Half Life franchise, Kerbal Space Program and I think Stardew Valley. Loved those games, played the hell out of them, will probably not launch them again.
A lot of games I’ve found diminishing replay value. Like I feel like I’ve mastered Subnautica, having done a number of self-imposed challenge runs like baseless vegetarian.
Talking about “story” makes me want to fuss about Tears of the Kingdom. This game doesn’t have a story; it has an anecdote at best. It’s amazing how far they stretched so little over absolutely nothing. They wrote so little plot for this game that they couldn’t come up with four different cut scenes for the defeated the bosses sequences. It’s a genuinely amazing piece of craftsmanship, the amount of hard work that went into the art and engineering that is that game is an astounding achievement but wow I don’t like playing it, and I think, for the first time since I was 5 years old, I’m not going to buy the next Zelda game.
It’s been awhile since I’ve come across something new that makes me think “yeah I want to play that.”
Have you ever run out of Youtube to watch? Like there’s just nothing you’re interested in on there? It feels like that but bigger.