I would love to hear about any podcasts / audio books / lectures regarding electronic music / synthesis / audio you may like/ know of.
I found this one recently, art+music+technology podcast…
various guests from far and wide corners of electronic music and synthesizer circles from present back to the beginning.
sadly the host passed away lat year, but the archive remains.
I recommend this lecture on the roots of reggaeton music. Certainly electronic with emphasis on sampling. Fun music with a rich history. https://youtu.be/yLOXfSQ5Zao
another one ive heard a hadfull of recently— Now and Xen Podcast… https://nowandxen.libsyn.com/ this is about microtonal and xenharmonic music, largely but not exclusively electronic.
There was a relatively recent kickstarter for a synthesizer that converts electricity from plants into music. I’m not advertising for them but it does fit the parameters of your search of technology and music.
There is a “Tell me what you like/you might like” suggestion software called Gnod. Free to use browser map of music.
Cymatics is the art created by visualizing the vibrations of music.
Should I post links?