Hi all, we have a new mod joining the team.

@[email protected] has been appointed as a mod of !newzealand, and will be starting to look at fleshing out the details of the community.

I know you’ll make them feel welcome :)

  • witkhdoktore@lemmy.nz
    2 years ago

    Yes, within the left-right wing paradigm both extreme ends are considered to become increasingly authoritarian and intolerant in support of their ends. Tankies are communists who defend Stalin and Mao using military violence against their own citizens with the justification that their protest/unrest was endangering the whole communist empire which was in a very real way of course under intense pressure, fighting for its existence against the capitalist world.

    This is often represented it a parliamentary style seating layout by the horse shoe shape with the far extremes actually becoming closer to each other at the bottom of the horse shoe. It may seem a bit strange but its a good example I guess of how the left-right paradigm as description of political ideology has limitations and is in the end just an abstract model not a true and complete picture.

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horseshoe_theory#:~:text=In popular discourse%2C the horseshoe,a horseshoe are close together.