If it does come back, I’d really appreciate a change in formula somehow. The last few years before Covid, basically the format was all the same, with the same events happening in the same order over and over.
I mean to be fair, these were annual specials that weren’t intended to be binged like a Netflix show. I do agree they were formulaic but I’m not sure if I were watching them just once a year, as intended, I’d even notice or care too much. Fans who religiously watch the specials multiple times throughout a year are of course going to nitpick the layout of the specials. I’d rather the specials come back and stick to the formula than not have them at all.
It could be a 24 hour let’s play games from around the world and I’d watch it, or have them go through the no laughing gig but in the last hour have them do a Yamada’s Hot Blooded School on everyone as payback.
the best part of the earlier batsu games were the interactions amongst the comedians and unscripted moments. it got increasingly more scripted and skit based as time went on.
It eventually got to the point of being an overglorified marketing device for actors and actresses to promote their new shows. I still enjoy the old ones for the reasons you stated though.
The worst part it didn’t used to be this way, the batsu folks that delivered punishment were dressed up differently, each comedian had a different “story” written about them, hell even the batsu format was based on a bet (can hamada score better at bowling than the rest? Who won the baseball tourney? etc.).
If it does come back, I’d really appreciate a change in formula somehow. The last few years before Covid, basically the format was all the same, with the same events happening in the same order over and over.
I just binged them all a couple of months ago…and yeah. Very repetitive.
I mean to be fair, these were annual specials that weren’t intended to be binged like a Netflix show. I do agree they were formulaic but I’m not sure if I were watching them just once a year, as intended, I’d even notice or care too much. Fans who religiously watch the specials multiple times throughout a year are of course going to nitpick the layout of the specials. I’d rather the specials come back and stick to the formula than not have them at all.
I binged them because I hadn’t seen them in about ten years. That being said, the guys are getting older and can’t get their asses slapped forever.
It could be a 24 hour let’s play games from around the world and I’d watch it, or have them go through the no laughing gig but in the last hour have them do a Yamada’s Hot Blooded School on everyone as payback.
the best part of the earlier batsu games were the interactions amongst the comedians and unscripted moments. it got increasingly more scripted and skit based as time went on.
It eventually got to the point of being an overglorified marketing device for actors and actresses to promote their new shows. I still enjoy the old ones for the reasons you stated though.
The worst part it didn’t used to be this way, the batsu folks that delivered punishment were dressed up differently, each comedian had a different “story” written about them, hell even the batsu format was based on a bet (can hamada score better at bowling than the rest? Who won the baseball tourney? etc.).