Unless aliens are robots, no.
The question is who sent the Automated Surveillance Drone Mark IV to earth?
Lizards don’t have hair silly. Clearly he’s a robotic wax figure, duh.
No no, we can’t allow it to multiply…
he really just needs a much better hair stylist. Hopefully he can afford one someday.
The running theory is that he’s actively choosing that hairstyle because it’s the haircut Augustus Caesar had. I’m sure he has a good hair stylist, but in all likelihood he’s deliberately instructing them to fuck his shit up to his exact specifications. So don’t blame the stylist, they’re just regular people like you and me. Instead, put the blame squarely where it belongs, on the billionaire “genius.”
Oh, I understand. I more meant a fashion adviser. It does seem intentional and considering the bubble that many powerful people in general live in, I doubt there are many who can say “look, mark, your hair looks really weird and you should do something else”. Maybe if he hired and image consultant they’d explain that he would be more popular if he looked less odd. But whatever, let the guy express himself I suppose.
He’s actually a frat bro creep. The robot is his facade.
A truly disgusting one at that