Show us your half baked, not really ready for prime time projects.

Or just whatever open source stuff you’ve been contributing to lately!

For me, it’s I’ve been working on having author pages populated with data from wikidata. Also a few other small things with documentation and small UI bugs :)

    1 year ago

    I’ve been working on my economy overview website Keizai for the past 2-3 months. And started to develop the new version of my weather service Serenum few weeks ago. Only the landing page are done for now.

    Keizai are basically all done. Just some tweaks and improvements here and there left to do. Also planning some new features.

    The current version of Serenum works, but it is slow. The new version will be faster since the new API will cache the data. And instead of OpenWeatherMap (that logs “a lot” of data upon API request), the new version of Serenum API will use (weather API from Norway with zero (0) logging).