Republicans have at long last elected a House speaker: Representative Mike Johnson, a fundamentalist Christian who was alsoem once called a key “architect” in Congress’s efforts to overthrow the 2020 election.

  • @[email protected]
    288 months ago

    Oh great… Another piece of shit that shouldn’t even be close to any of this gets elected again…


  • @[email protected]
    108 months ago

    He assures road blocks from both sides. Nothing will get thru. Prepare for a shutdown on Nov 17.

    Can he be voted out by 1 person again?

  • @sugar_in_your_tea
    8 months ago

    From his Wikipedia page:

    Roe v. Wade gave constitutional cover to the elective killing of unborn children in America. […] You think about the implications of that on the economy; we’re all struggling here to cover the bases of Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid and all the rest. If we had all those able-bodied workers in the economy, we wouldn’t be going upside down and toppling over like this.


    described “wind and solar” as “the most inefficient energy sources we have”, and claimed that living near wind turbines could cause “depression and cognitive dysfunction”

    This argumentation makes absolutely no sense, yet somehow he’s Speaker and a professor.

    I don’t agree with this policies, but that’s not the issue, the problem is that I don’t understand his arguments for his positions. And effective communication is pretty important for the Speaker of the House.