The rumor is that Metroid Prime 2 and 3 are going to get straightforward ports on Switch, not remastered. Which is fine by me cuz I just want an excuse to play those games again.

When do you guys think the ports will be announced? I’m no marketing strategist, but I feel like it would be important to release the games while Metroid Prime Remastered is still relevant and people still have the game fresh in their minds. So I feel like now would be a good time to release them. Unless they’re planning on waiting until MP4 is revealed, in which case we’re going to be waiting a while.

    2 years ago

    With Nintendo deliberately sitting on MP1R for so long (it was finished before Dread), I can see these other two ports not coming out until next year, and considering they are not as popular as the first one, Id hope they will do some kind of promotion to ensure they sell well too, like they are doing with the Pikmin games.