Any DS9 fans here? At first I hated Kai Winn episodes, but then I realized how well she works as a villain in the series. Gul Dukat was the more impactful antagonist overall, but the series might have been more shallow if everyone on Bajor was a “good guy”, although it would have been nice to see more of Kai Opaka before …


… they killed her off (or after they killed her and brought her back, but stranded her in the Gamma Quadrant).

This is my first post. I am looking for a good place for Star Trek discussions, news, jokes, memes, etc. that isn’t reddit. I figure it will be a while before it needs it’s own community. I’m going to miss some of the content in trek subreddits, but not the Paramount sponsored mods.

  • magnetosphere
    1 year ago

    Yeah. I hated Winn, but only because Fletcher did such a good job portraying a villain. With a character like that, no reaction from the audience is the worst reaction of all.

    As for the reddit alternative, just give it some time. People are still learning about the API debacle. I’m a refugee myself, and only signed up about half an hour ago!