the big stickied thread is getting cluttered with lots of new people and the “how was your week” thread isn’t a great fit for introductions, so it seems about time to make this a dedicated thread of its own so peoples’ posts aren’t getting lost.

tell us a little bit about yourself, folks. don’t gotta be too specific or revealing, just whatever you want to put out there. this’ll be a good way of getting to know all the people you’re now on here with

    1 year ago

    Helloooooooooooooooo out there!

    Mid-20s queer trans lesbian here, yet another girl fleeing frantically from Reddit, but glad to have found a space that’s such a refreshing contrast from social media nowadays. (A social space? Being social? Imagine that!)

    I am an extremely avid gamer (FFXIV being the game of choice for me right now), and a board gamer too, for that matter! I’m also finding myself down an anime/manga hyperfixation right now… and honestly being queer is a bit more of my personality than I might like to admit. Really, I’m hoping to find a sense of community here, and meet some cool folks, especially queer folks, in the process.

    Immensely glad to be here!

    • Lionir [he/him]
      1 year ago


      What animes are you watching this season? I’ve been watching Hell’s paradise and Oshi no ko!

        1 year ago

        thanks for the welcome!

        honestly i’m not even watching current season stuff right now – mainly i’ve been working my way through all the awesome stuff out there that i just hadn’t watched til lately. loved watching kill la kill, urusei yatsura’s been enjoyable, and revolutionary girl utena is one heckuva ride. (my tastes are pretty eclectic!)

    1 year ago

    Hello all! I’m in my early 40s, living in the PNW. I’ve been a bartender most of my adult life, and got a liver transplant not too long ago. I’ve been spending my time since recovering from nearly dying, going back to school for a career change, and in general being more mindful of how I want to spend my limited time in existence.

    1 year ago

    Guten Morgen!

    28 y.o. German nerd (kinda, you know what I mean) that has just migrated over from Reddit because… you know. Since I heard about this new community, I wanted to be a part of it. Let’s make this grow, right? Anyways, I have been way too much into all kinds of tv series, recently rewatching Charmed as we speak. In general I do like all kinds of series tho, but I am not a fan (and beware, here comes the shame) of Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings… yes, I know, how dare I. But it’s just not for me haha.

    If my stupid PC didn’t break down about 9 months ago, I would still be all up into gaming. I love it, it’s my favorite hobby besides another one that I will mention shortly haha. But yes, my PC was old, very old, and it finally gave up the will to support my hobby. And since the prices are too high for my low-paid job, I can’t afford a new one.

    So the other hobby I wanted to mention is writing. It is my longest-running hobby (if you can say it like that). I love it, but my writer’s block has been insane. Anyways, I just love expressing myself like that, creatively since I think (in a very humble way, believe me) that I am in fact very creative and it bugs me so much that thanks to my writer’s block, I can’t make good use out of it.

    Before this gets too long, I want to stop it here, just some side notes: I really want to meet some nice people on here and make friends all over the world, since this is the biggest benefit of the internet, right? We have a big opportunity here!

    1 year ago


    Late 20s Cherokee in the southeast. Love books, storytelling, art, music and figuring out how things work and fixing them when they break. Oh and also hats, tools, things tools go in, I could probably be here all day.

    I spend a good chunk of my spare time working on mechanical things like car parts, machinery, electronics, whatever I can find in my own little lab that I set-up. Always love learning new things. Most recently I’ve been trying to learn as much as I can about audio equipment and how all that works.

    1 year ago

    I’m late to the party but I thought I could join and introduce myself as well.

    Hello, I’m user geon and I’m 17 years old. I enjoy watching movies and shows, and I recently finished binging American Horror Story. My favourite actors at the moment are Mads Mikkelsen, Charles Boyer, Jack Nicholson, and Javier Bardem. My favourite movies of all time are The Shawshank Redemption, The Pianist, and Gaslight (1944). I enjoy old films as well, typically those from the 30s-40s. My watchlist at the moment is… incredibly long, but I hope to finish some movies this summer.

    I plan on studying programming (will study c# next semester, maybe Python next year), and hopefully get a job within data/IT. I want to become a digital nomad and travel the world when I get older… I want to visit Svalbard and Siberia the most right now. My favourite animal is the capybara. I listen to a plethora of artists and groups, ranging from classical music to thrash metal. I like music from the late 2000s/early 2010s since those years are nostalgic to me. I have a thing for 70s-80s music right now though.

    I used to be incredibly immersed in politics and the study of political ideologies. I still find it interesting, and I also enjoy speaking to people whose opinions differ from mine… I like getting new perspectives. I also enjoy philosophical discussions, even though I’m already quite secure in my viewpoints.

    Sorry for the ramble… I realise I’m on the younger side of Lemmy users but I hope to engage in meaningful discussions on here with y’all. I’m happy to be here. (:

    1 year ago

    Hi, another Reddit traveller here. I’m a 30 something Brit who analyses data for a living, with a love of choral singing, reading and gaming. Loving Two Point Hospital and Rimworld- on the PC and Skyrim on the PS4 at the moment (but my PS4 died so trying to get the courage to take the plunge and get a ps5). I love live comedy and go to Edinburgh every year.

    1 year ago

    HI all! Another from Reddit. In my mid 40’s, west coast US, and was really looking for a community like this.

    I was a gaming geek growing up (Commodore 64 through all current gen consoles) and even worked in the industry as a game tester in the late 90’s to early 00’s. Grew up with an uncle working for IBM in the early 80’s and was exposed to REALLY early personal computers when they were not a “thing” yet and I have loved them ever since.

    Other hobbies / interests are graphic design, photography, and for work I use AutoCAD and Revit as a designer. It was not what I got a degree in college (graphic design)…but I get paid to draw so I can’t complain :)

    Looking forward to BeeHaw!

    1 year ago

    I just want to say I’m excited to be here! Feels like how message boards used to feel back in the day with the number of users not being crazy high like other social media platforms.

    1 year ago

    Hi, I’m a gozt (pronounced “ghost” if you care) and I’m a 30 year old dude who’s trying to learn how to code. Taking a course walking me through Javascript at the moment and I’m rather enjoying it even if some stuff takes some head-bashing to understand it. Not sure if I’ll be able to make a career out of it but I’m hoping for the best.

    I have pretty broad taste in things, I like to believe there’s something in any genre or variety that I will love. I think the quality I appreciate the most is sincerity; if you’re into what you’re making, and you put your all into it, I will probably love it.

    Aside from that, my hobbies are gaming and drawing. I don’t put as much time into drawing as I probably should but it is something I enjoy. And as for gaming, I play too much stuff and I’ve already gone on long enough.

    1 year ago

    Hello from another reddit refugee as well.

    Millennial born in the later 80s. Central US. I work in software engineering but rarely have much to do with it outside of work.

    First off, I am incredibly happy to be here. It’s feels great to find somewhere that seems to be a community once again that also allows for me to also no longer feel like a “product” that exists merely for profit like all of the other social media sites for which I have ultimately left. After looking around at many of the lemmy instances, I read the side bar on this one and was immediately attracted to the prospect and ideals of this community while still being able to engage in the lemmy-verse (is that the term?).

    A bit about me. I love: Ballroom dancing, tabletop RPGs (D&D), renaissance faires, gardening, being creative, playing music, current events and worldnews, ww2 history, antiques, reading, watching old movies. People tell me I’m an old soul often. I’m goofy, an introvert that can be extremely socially but only for a limited amount of time. I used to play and do regional tours in a rock band. Worked in the music industry for about 4 years but burned out quickly after the band. Favorite book is: “A demon haunted world: Science as a candle in the dark” by Carl Sagan. I’m an atheist since about the age of 18ish. Related to religion, Secular Buddhism is something I have been reading about lately that is something that I have been enjoying. “What the buddah taught” was a fantastic book that was a great foundational look at buddhism in general (not secular). I used to game a lot and still do on occasion but not like I used to. Exclusively interested in casual stuff nowadays. Played too many hours of wow… lol.

    Most of all I love spending time with my family. I have an amazing SO and a young toddler that is my world.

    I aspire to some day own a renaissance faire shop selling artwork my wife and I produce.

      1 year ago

      I just started reading The Demon-Haunted World! I’m currently on the titular chapter. I’m reading a few pages every night before bed. Nothing like some critical thinking to get yourself ready for sleep!

        1 year ago

        That is fantastic! I hope you enjoy it! Amusingly enough, I read it often as a vacation book. Something about actually being detached from life’s everyday bustle allows it to “hit” good for me. I just flipped through my book to look at the chapters and remember it. It’s been a bit since I’ve read it. Time for a fresh re-read. Let me know your thoughts after and enjoy!

    1 year ago

    I’m another reddit refugee, I’m in my 20s, I like watching movies and tv shows at double speed, I’m an expert in digital piracy and I’m hoping to make some friends here

    1 year ago

    Hello all, and thank you for the opportunity to be a part of Beehaw. As with others, motivated to explore due to Reddit API drama, however even if that gets resolved I am excited about engaging here. Really appreciated the thoughtfulness and intention behind the information posts by the founders, and kudos to those who created this space. At 60+ I may be among the older members, but really I don’t know which is just fine with me.

    I’ve been fascinated by the development, successes, and failures of the internet. It’s a long way from my first computer programming classes using punched cards. Even though I didn’t pursue that career line that curiosity keeps leading me to the emerging and less commercialized spaces in social media. Along the way I have enjoyed hearing perspectives from different generations, diverse groups, and from across the globe so thank you for sharing.

    Lots of interests including literature (Jane Austen in particular), rock music, gardening, art museums, occasional travels, and NHL hockey. I live in the Southeast of the US. Prefer not to sit in political spaces for too long, but generally moderate liberal.

    1 year ago

    Longtime redditor exploring new territory, to me at least. Digging that there is somewhere else to feddit and trying to get a feel for things here on Beehaw.

    I like my coffee bold, black and pipping hot.

    1 year ago

    Heya from another reddit refugee:

    I’m a late 20s guy (he/him) working on getting a PhD in materials science and engineering. I’m pretty optimistic about Lemmy, and Beehaw in particular.

    I think that right now the thing that I’m missing most from reddit is the plethora of niche communities for very specific interests, but I’m aware that’s something that comes with time and a big enough userbase. For now we’ve got Gaming, if we get enough people we’ll probably get MMORPGs or similar. I don’t mind waiting.

    Other communities I’d love to see pop up would be for things like scuba diving, specific TTRPGs like Lancer, more specific science communities (edit: looks like there’s already one for space), biking, solarpunk aesthetic stuff, Q/A communities (like r/askscience and r/askhistorians), and so on. (I actually haven’t searched for all of those yet… Maybe some already exist!)

    1 year ago

    Hello everyone, I’m one of the many from Reddit. I’m in the Midwest US and work as a registered nurse. I enjoy reading, video games (e.g., BOTW, Overwatch), table top games (e.g., Dominion), camping, and got a little into running. I consider myself a fairly goofy and laid back person.

    I love learning about anything I can. This whole shift with Reddit really forced some introspection on how I interact with online communities and what I am hoping to get out of those connections. I realize the Beehaw communities are smaller, but I sense more personal connections, versus mostly viewing and scrolling content already upvoted by 10k people.

    I am inspired by what the admins are doing with Beehaw and other Lemmy instances, and I’m looking forward to sharing and connecting more with other hawbeeists (I like that term from @[email protected]).