I am aware that upvoted posts make it to https://kbin.social/fav however that just doesn’t work well as I already have 1,000+ pages in there. Moreover, that only registers upvoted posts and not comments. A workaround would be to just use boost, and only upvote when you want to “save” but that is just not conventional imho. The ability on /r to simply save a comment or a post is truly basic but effective.


EDIT: Relevant Codeberg issue

  • Teppic@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I was mostly going by what Ernest posted on codeburg four weeks ago.
    I’ll admit that other than noting by eye

    1. It’s not purely boosts; and
    2. It is mostly boosts (as you say)

    I’ve not actually tried making a spreadsheet to check the algorithm (…yet!)

    Edit: looking at /all perhaps for articles the number of comments is counted too somehow?

    Edit2: If you formatted your table as a code snippet it would probably work since it would use a fixed-width font.