This weekend, I’ll be streaming the 6 episodes of Wednesday Downtown in full ( subbed by u/Zwanster03 ) that include the Monster Love series. (Zwanster, if you see this, we’d love to have you drop by channel during this if you get a chance) This will be a little over 5 hours total.
What is Monster Love? It’s a segment from Wednesday Downtown that mirrors dating reality shows, but stars Kuro-chan and women eager to win his heart.
This will be streaming on the “Father_Jimmy_” Twitch channel. For some reason, I can’t post a direct link to the channel, but you can just go to twitch and just search for “gaki”. You should have no problem finding it.
Because we have lots of viewers from all over the world in the channel, check your time zone for the start time.
Sunday 10/29
[PDT] 10:00 AM - Los Angeles
[MDT] 11:00 AM - Denver
[CDT] 12:00 PM - Chicago
[EDT] 01:00 PM - New York City
[GMT] 05:00 PM - London
[CET] 06:00 PM - Paris
[EET] 08:00 PM - Helsinki
Monday 10/30
[AEDT] 12:00 AM - Sydney
[AWST] 01:00 AM - Perth
[ JST] 02:00 AM - Tokyo
If you’re new to the channel (or Twitch), there’s all kinds of custom gaki emotes that we use. I highly suggest that you use one of the browser extensions to see and use them. “7TV” seems to be the most recommended. Feel free to ask any questions. We hope you join us!
Monday 1am for me then \(◎o◎)/