• Draedark
    418 months ago

    My gut feeling is the previous therapist(s) said something along the lines of “It’s not you, it’s me.”

    • @[email protected]
      118 months ago

      This is a real thing a whole lot.

      A favorite one is the biographical detail that excites the therapist. As in I’m too tired to wrestle with my real personal demons and core trauma, so today I’ll regail you with more sexy-times adventures spanking people to get laid. To which my intern therapist bounces eagerly like a puppy ready for walkies.

      The least favorite is the intern freaking out about childhood sexual assault thirty years ago and calling the authorities. Dude, the perp is dead, no one cared in that era and you just invited guys with guns to investigate my family. Your psychology career is off to a great start.

  • @[email protected]
    278 months ago

    I’m sorry but their trauma is having a somewhat normal but worrying birth and then not feeling special from being a twin? Yeah no wonder they thought they were special enough to make a PowerPoint about themselves.

    • @[email protected]
      1218 months ago

      First off, that’s only a fraction of the PowerPoint, and she might have made those slides to not reveal personal info to the internet. Hell, this could just be a joke with dozens of empty slides below the visible ones. However, the person almost certainly still has trauma. I’ve met a ton of people who cope through comedy, and a lot of them would laugh at this meme.

      More importantly, gatekeeping trauma is not ok. Someone having a more traumatic life than you does not invalidate your own trauma. You could have trauma from common experiences, like parents divorcing or the death of a loved one, and it can affect you in serious ways. Many people never seek the help they need for their trauma because they invalidate their experiences. Someone always has it worse, so if trauma is making it hard to live your best life, don’t feel guilty about seeking help for it.

      • qevlarr
        578 months ago

        Exactly. “That’s not trauma, stop whining” doesn’t help anyone and you have no fucking idea how it affects someone. “Suck it up” is such fucking boomer bullshit

      • @[email protected]
        188 months ago

        I’ve always been partial to the phrase “the worst thing someone has experienced is the worst thing they’ve experienced”. Someone elses experiences never invalidates that.

      • @[email protected]
        198 months ago

        Yeah mine would be

        “Wow, I experienced a lot of fucked up shit throughout my childhood.”

        “I have not yet stopped experiencing fucked up shit. The end.”

        Didn’t take 59 slides while my therapist writes down narcissistic tendencies in journal.

          • @[email protected]
            38 months ago

            Seen 4 actually and one said I was incredibly rational and beyond their help… Probably part of the “and it doesn’t stop” part of my fucked up life

            • Franzia
              88 months ago

              Have you tried self therapy books? I told a therapist I wanted to be able to do therapy independently and she hit me with a CBT book and a mindfulness book and said “go on your merry way. Oh also you’re trans. Bye now.” More or less.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Yeah I think I’m chemically depressed from extreme Trauma (with a big old capital T) but I don’t really have the support, money, or mental capacity (or desire) to be testing through different stimulants for one that removes me enough from my own mental faculties that it gently scrapes away my self awareness.

                I’m already mindful. I just don’t want to be here anymore but understand that the end of things is a lot more lonely so I balance myself in a limbo of misery trying to smile while I roll a boulder up a hill.

                Edit: also just stating something on your behalf also sounds like a terrible therapist

                • Franzia
                  18 months ago

                  Ow. Sorry you’ve gotta deal with that. Why a stimulant, SSRIs aren’t the ticket? One must imagine Sisyphus forcing a smile 😀

      • @[email protected]
        168 months ago

        It’s camouflage for someone who can’t open up, where all the pages are jokes and fluff except for the bottom right corner of page 37

    • volvoxvsmarla
      128 months ago

      Or it is more complex than that. She was born blue, this led to her mother being overbearingly careful with her and her dad just assumed she must be damaged - just one possible thing that comes to mind. The quality is bad and I cannot read more than the titles but what I mean is that titling a slide is probably not the whole story to it. God knows what she has to tell.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        Oh I absolutely thought about her being born blue being more of a statement of her family’s reaction since she never stopped hearing about it likely, so to tell that story means it was in someone’s mind a lot.

        It just sounds very self aggrandizing to call a power point “My Trauma” and then have a slide that says

        I am a Gemini (I know sorry) I didn’t even get my own toys growing up

        It’s probably a joke but I know people that are like this and would make me sit through a presentation on why they are so unique and I can’t stand it.

        • volvoxvsmarla
          28 months ago

          You mean the twin thing? Same logic tho. Perhaps her parents always put her twin sister first and she was the golden child. Sibling dynamics can be sickenly complicated and, yes, traumatizing. She is not talking about her zodiac sign as far as I can tell. And I mean yes it is probably a joke, but at the same time it might be very pragmatic if you are in therapy anyway. Instead if telling something over and over just tell about the progress you made with a previous professional in a presentation (so that also you don’t forget something important)

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            No no. I can read it. She actually mentions her zodiac sign. That was verbatum from the slide on being “the evil twin”

            But like slides on progress is something this desperately inwant to be a joke cause this implies they are still stuck on minor inconveniences as their source of trauma. No wonder their is a massive backlog for therapists if this is what people are working on with multiple psychologists.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              Not that it matters but does does go on to make it clear she’s actually a twin, mentioning they get the same presents (“AKA I always get a boy toy” because her twin is a boy as per the picture) but a pro is a built-in friend.

    • @octoperson
      68 months ago

      Have you considered that they might be doing jokes?

  • @[email protected]
    238 months ago

    Ooo, super smart. Save on those Hamburgerland medical bills. Also was born in 1997 lawl (partial self doxx?)

  • katy ✨
    188 months ago

    i had to get a new therapist after three years when i finally got comfortable with my old one right as i was recovering from ffs and gcs and about a month before i went into the hospital with severe dehydration. let me tell you going to therapy every two weeks with someone i don’t know and piling all of that on them it’s a miracle they didn’t run away

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I’m thinking this might be a brilliant idea. It’s probably way better than the stacks of files from previous therapists that say BAH-ha-hah this dude is so psycho!

    (Just past a fifty year anni of there’s something wrong with / odd about that boy in first grade)