God I hate this! Never fails, either. I’d be on a page of someone’s profile or some piece of content I’d like to see but I’m required to log in. Okay, I will do so. So I do and it doesn’t redirect me back! It just puts me in the front page, like no thanks, just bring me to where I was!
There’s always an XKCD
Went to hackernews the other day. Tried to upvote a comment, then it asked me to login. Put in my login, hit the button, and boom, it redirected back to the original page, and the comment I was attempting to upvote is successfully upvoted! I was expecting I’ll need to press the upvote button again, but I don’t even need to do that. My mind was blown. Wish more websites do this.
This is really how all sites should work.
It’s a great predictor of how the rest of your interaction with a site will go. If a dev doesn’t have the space and motivation to give a shit about details like this, they’ll cut corners on other shit too. It doesn’t always mean they’re bad developers; more often they’re just rushed.
Login to see content? Throw it in reverse meme
Yeah that’s almost always going to be a hard pass from me lol
Or when clicking the link to use your countries version of the site sends you to the home page…
Every few months Amazon or AliExpress will think I’m German or Spanish with no action on my part whatsoever.
Oh my god it’s fucking horrible. And so straightforward to fix.
- oh noes! unauthorized!
- store current path in a session variable
- redirect to authentication
- upon successful authentication, check if that session variable’s got a path in it
- if it does, redirect to that
Yep, infuriating. It just happened with me. Googled something, followed a link to a website. I couldn’t see images on forum lthread there without registering. So I register, that of course takes me to the home page on the forum instead.
do you happen to have one of those no tracking link browser extensions? I’ve had a few of those remove the redirect from the log in page url
I use Firefox so maybe their built in stuff is doing it for me.