The hamburger menu is small and far away, muscle memory keep making me swipe to access notebooks etc.

  • @[email protected]M
    68 months ago

    This is actually working but you need to swipe veeery slowly for it to work. We’d like to fix this and make it work with regular or fast swipes too.

    • @[email protected]OP
      28 months ago

      It does work! But as you said, you have to get it just right. Anyway, I look forward to future versions where it is perfect. Thanks for your work, Joplin rocks. (I think you are the developer, correct?)

      • Dariusmiles2123
        48 months ago

        Yeah I agree, it’s a really, really good app.

        If you can make donations to the project, that’s what I’ll do at the end of the year.

        I’m using it a lot!

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      I’m not able to get this to work with gestures enabled on my phone as it just engages the back gesture which closes the app. It does work with gestures turned off though.

      It seems like the back gesture should open the menu instead of closing the app. If you’re editing a note, going back exits edit mode, then back again shows the list of notes in the current notebook, then back again should open the menu to show your notebooks. Or if it was easier to swipe to open the menu without engaging the back gesture that may be a good solution as well.