I’ve been on reddit for a long, long time and i’ve seen all the changes that have happened in the past decade. I spent a lot of time on Reddit, and have seen the slow infestation of bots, karma whores, and guerilla marketing disguised as posts.

I’m genuinely excited for the fediverse - it seems like an actual improvement over reddit, and not just a clone. There’s a learning curve, but there was one when joining reddit too.

I participated in the migration to Voat, and saw how/why it failed. I’m more optimistic about the fediverse for various reasons, and I’m dedicating my time to helping this thrive.

I was a lurker on Voat, but I’m trying to be active here. I don’t like modding, but I’ve even created my own community here, which is saying a lot given how lazy I am. Hope to interact with y’all more!

And if you’re still reading this, i hope you don’t mind a shoutout to my new community, maliciouscompliance - recreated this as it was one of my favorite places to lurk on reddit!

/c/[email protected]


[email protected]

EDIT: since a few people asked - I posted in this comment below why I think lemmy has a much better chance than voat did

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    I find Lemmy generally more welcoming to post comments. Its likely because of the lack of bots and trolls. Let’s hope they stay clear from here.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yeah exactly. Being a a not-for-profit open-source project, I’d expect features to eventually be put into place to help moderate this kind of stuff in the future.

    • @[email protected]
      111 year ago


      Going back to Reddit to read about the blackouts was jarring after spending the past few days on here. I didn’t realize just how negative, toxic, and mentally draining Reddit was until I stopped using it.

      • Aviandelight
        51 year ago

        It really is like night and day. I quit reddit on Sunday when I noticed my feed was already looking empty. I’ve been here ever since and last night for the first time in a while I went to bed feeling happy with life. It’s amazing how I never noticed the toxicity that was seeping into my day.

        • brandon
          21 year ago

          I’m noticing the same, but at this point I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or something real. Lemmy definitely feels like a breath of fresh air though.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I’ve definitely also noticed the difference, I’d pretty much stopped commenting at all on reddit. But if feels different here, we’ll, not so much different but reminds me of those older Internet message board days.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        The difference is also on Reddit, it felt like your comment would never be seen, because there were so many. It’s not the same here. Which makes commenting actually feel worthwhile.

        • @[email protected]OP
          11 year ago

          That’s partially what led to all the low effort posts.

          Why bother making a thoughtful reply and get no response, when you can quickly post 20 puns and get 50 upvotes on at least 1 of them?

        • James_Harmony
          21 year ago

          Never experienced that. I joined more or less just before the AMA drama, and Pao. I really do Hope Lemmy takes hold. After all, ask threads get better the more varied the people participating

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      there also seems to be options to disable seeing bot activity - not sure if lemmy looks different with those enabled, as I am of the same mindset

  • Azamandriel
    1 year ago

    I have been a reddit since the great digg migration. I am enjoying the fediverse experience so far. It makes me realize how much reddit had slowly changed into a place i did not like as much.

    • @[email protected]OP
      211 year ago

      What ruined it for me was hidden viral marketing and low-effort karmar whores. I think it was HailCorporate which highlighted just how many posts were straight up viral marketing attempts, and how many of these were posted from accounts with a strange comment history. I couldn’t unsee it after that.

      As for karma whores… it’s funny to see a pun chain, but not when that’s the top comment for 99% of all popular posts.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        What happened to hailcorporate anyway ? I remember a few years back it was cited or showed up on my feed regularly, but you made me realize it stopped at some point.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          It seemed like there was a backlash against it. At some point you would get downvoted for citing hailcorporate in comments. If I were more conspiratorial-minded, I would think that Reddit started throwing in downvotes at any comments mentioning hailcorporate, because it would hurt Reddit’s image and advertiser-friendliness. But I’ve noticed that, across social media, some folks seem to get really upset when you point out that a post is fake/marketing/staged. So maybe that’s just online culture now…

          Edit: there were legitimate issues with people citing hailcorporate on posts that they just didn’t like. But that seemed relatively minor to me.

          • Lucas
            31 year ago

            Certainly feels like there’s some ‘ignorance is bliss’ to it. Folks don’t want to hear something is an ad because it takes away the illusion that their feed is in their control. And they don’t want to feel gullible.

  • ~cass~
    191 year ago

    Same story here. Probably about a decade using Reddit and it just aint what it used to be even 5 years ago, forget 10 years ago.

    I started off just looking for an alternative but quickly warmed to the whole idea of the fediverse (after I figured out what it is lmao). Feels like it hits a really good balance between old-style internet forums and modern-style social media.

    It made me realize we don’t have to settle for a 1:1 clone - we can build something better. Something that can’t be held hostage by a bunch of shareholders and execs, or run into the ground by one asshole.

    I think there’s a chance to make something really fucking awesome here and I’d rather contribute to that than go back to doomscrolling on Reddit. At this point, I don’t think I’d go back even if they miraculously reversed everything.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      Yes, this feels freer. It can’t be affected in the same way Spez is messing up Reddit. I’m waiting for more content (I will probably make some myself) that isn’t just talking about Rexxit or switching over.

  • @[email protected]
    171 year ago

    Towards the end browsing Reddit just made me angry instead of providing entertainment. Like you mention, what really got under my skin were all the ads disguised as genuine posts, and then all the bots asking for a place to purchase the item advertised.

    Do you remember a time where news would break on Reddit and the it would be two or three hours later you would see cable news stations pick it up? It hasn’t happened on Reddit for a very long time. Happened to me yesterday here on Lemmy for the first time. That was a nice feeling. It reminded me of how good reddit once was and how bad it is today. But more importantly, it showed me that Lemmy isn’t just a reddit replacement, it’s looks like it’s the future of the internet.

    Anyways, I guess I don’t really have a point, just needed an excuse to shit on reddit again. Fuck reddit.

    • MadWorks
      61 year ago

      I know exactly what you mean with that feeling of being ahead of “the story” or whatever breaking news was coming out. Made me feel a sense of satisfaction that I was actually being well informed instead of just being fed a story.

  • @[email protected]
    161 year ago

    I’ve seen a little bit of the subreddit on my front page(?) already, kudos! Honnestly your aplomb to posting and trying to contribute, even recreating a favorite community, is very reassuring. I have high hopes for the Fediverse :)

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    I am also an 11-year Reddit vet making the move. Welcome! This isn’t my first Fediverse experience, but definitely my most promising (I don’t really tweet, so Mastodon is kind of whatever to me). This and kbin have been great.

    I was also part of the Voat migration. I never left Reddit, as I didn’t mind them cracking down on some of the more questionable content, but I did check Voat out. I wasn’t part of the cesspool that showed up there, but I did enjoy participating in some of the smaller communities. I think what didn’t work was that it just got stale. Same reason I didn’t like Snapzu or some of the other “Reddit alternatives.” Even larger communities were just… dead. What made Reddit work was that everyone was there, and even small, niche communities had active users.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Yep, 11 year redditor, spent some time on Voat before it really became a cesspool, and use Mastodon. I am happy to see a Fedi-Reddit take off.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    11 years with Reddit in September here.

    As some other people have mentioned, I have missed that rawness of old internet forums, and I feel like this brings it back in some way. Which I love, as Reddit was becoming too corporate, which has obviously been their downfall.

    I feel as I can be more active on here, though I became more and more active on Reddit as time went on, but didn’t really enjoy it.

    • Rentlar
      11 year ago

      The gnarly thing about the federated nature is that when one instance stops fitting your vibe you can go and find another or even make your own, but you still aren’t too far away from everyone.

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    This feels super exciting like when I was alternating between digg and reddit before digg started dying in 2010.

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    I was a lurker on Reddit because the community was so toxic. On Lemmy, everyone is nice. It is nice to see such good place on the internet today

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I saw someone edit a post title and it blew my mind. I’m liking it here so far too. There’s a few kinks to work out, but I don’t think the learning curve is too bad. The Jerboa app is fine too.

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I’m surprised by how quickly it’s become active. Most discussions are still about Reddit or Lemmy, but even that feels like it’s changing.

    • arcturus
      11 year ago

      It’s insane how many people are filling in; I’ve been on the fediverse for about a year or so (under a different name), so it’s pretty cool to see it getting popular with people

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I would like to hear more about the move to Voat, what caused the failure in your opinion? I was not part of that as I had other things going on at the time.

    • @[email protected]OP
      171 year ago

      Not an expert, but it boils down to two main factors for me:

      The biggest factor is the nature of the userbase that migrated. As with Voat, there are (i) people driven here by ideological means (“it doesn’t affect me but I believe the change is wrong”), and (ii) people who have no other option (“I need a new home because the change makes reddit less useful for me”). Of all the folks who belong to (i), i wouldn’t be surprised if majority move back to reddit quietly over the next 2 months. The reality is that people are used to reddit, and it contains a decade’s worth of information and social networks that lemmy doesn’t have. It’s simply easier to find info on reddit. That leaves (ii), which will probably make up the majority of long-term migrants. Unfortunately for Voat, (ii) was comprised of people who post/read actively on hate subs. /v/fatpeoplehate was one of the top, er… subs? at Voat. When your userbase is gathered around one specific, kinda-toxic purpose, it’s hard to see it succeed. For lemmy, (ii) consists of people with strong preferences for third-party mobile apps. I don’t know for sure, but I think these folks are (like me) long-time redditors, power users, and generally contribute more than usual. Third-party users are also more diverse, and don’t have one specific interest. That is a more self-sustaining community.

      A smaller factor is the nature of the site. Voat was basically reddit, with less moderation. Literally no other improvements. The fediverse is interesting, and I think it’s better. Even if you disagree, it’s still objectively different. A relatively small site can’t succeed against a behemoth if it’s exactly the same.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        I think you have a good point here. The type of user that migrates. Plus, since the api changes makes moderation harder, there might be a bunch of mods moving over, whom would tend to have a greater impact on their communities ( may it be more activity, or modding, etc )

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I don’t use 3rd party apps, but still left. Partly it’s due to the (i) listed above, but it’s also due to the fact that I can see where this is headed. I rely on mods to keep the worst of reddit at bay, and if they either leave due to being treated like “noise” or because their unpaid job just becomes too much trouble without 3rd party tools, reddit will become an unbearable cesspool. I thought about how bad it is now and how much worse it would be if the good mods left. No thanks!

        • @[email protected]OP
          11 year ago

          It’s so surprising that reddit didn’t learn from the past. There was another uproar over mod tools in the last few years.

          • mershed_perderders
            11 year ago

            Executive teams tend not to learn from the past because they think either:

            • “our site/product/service is different and/or indispensable” or
            • “we’ll do it differently and things will go better for us”

            When the chips fall it’s never the former and rarely the latter.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Guessing it failed because the migration was weighted towards people who were the least welcome on reddit, some maybe unfairly, but there are also good reasons to not want certain people/behaviors around.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        It was a strange time, I saw communities I used to enjoy like r/conspiracy overran by contemporary politics and thinly veiled antisemitism. All the fun went out of it seemingly overnight.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        That’s an understatement. It was the worst of the worst that moved there and thought they were going to have free reign. Then Voat clamped down on the extreme racism and the site died.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    I do not reply to Reddit’s threads at all but Lemmy somehow makes me feel like I’m part of this community. Enjoying my time here very much.

    • brandon
      11 year ago

      I definitely think it’s easier to participate when there isn’t so much activity all the time. Things are getting busy on Lemmy, but still nowhere near the speed of the most active communities on Reddit. It actually feels like I can keep up on Lemmy, so I take more time to read through comments.