• Wrench Wizard@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    We need to be boycotting ads. If it’s not for a vital service don’t push it in my face. Ads are a damn plague and the internet was better before they permeated it.

    Everyone that was on the internet pre-2010 knows this. What amazes me is some have been brainwashed to support them.

    Commented about how YouTube should revert and become ad free once. People dogpiled me with “then how would it run?!”

    Idk, how did it ever run before implementing ads?

    How did… almost any site get by before ads? Donations or just not being “big” enough to require so much. If you have a good site that people value they will pay for it.

    If you’re trying to sell something that no one really wants? Well that’s why we have ads now isn’t it? Companies trying to sell some bs no one asked for.