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The original was posted on /r/sweden by /u/mekarawr at 2023-11-03 15:49:20+00:00.
The original was posted on /r/sweden by /u/mekarawr at 2023-11-03 15:49:20+00:00.
eolisk at 2023-11-03 18:18:03+00:00 ID:
No our current government is a far right one supported by fascists. I hope the left will return to power after the next election ☺️
repocin at 2023-11-03 20:00:40+00:00 ID:
Err, that’s taking things a bit too far isn’t it?
eolisk at 2023-11-03 20:11:43+00:00 ID:
Tancoll at 2023-11-03 20:19:40+00:00 ID:
Well, SD was founded by a Nazi so facist might be wrong and nazist would be more correct.
Elissiaro at 2023-11-03 20:22:05+00:00 ID:
TIL almost half of sweden is fascists. /s
Sure I don’t like the current goverment very much, but they’re in charge now for a reason.
The previous government fucked up too many times, and a lot of people finally got sick of it enough to vote for someone else.
FullbordadOG at 2023-11-03 23:04:03+00:00 ID:
The previous government fucked up? Here, let me give you a history lesson:
2006: Right-wing wins the election and gets majority rule in the riksdag. Most notably they privatize our healthcare and sells off a ton of state owned things to risk investors. For a fraction of its value I might add.
2010: Right-wing wins the election again, although this time with minority rule. Our right wing government completely opens the Swedish borders with their open your hearts campaign. SD (Former nazi party in the 90’s) gets seats in the riksdag. They’re however only around 5% of the votes.
2014: Left-wing wins the election. However due to minority rule they cannot enforce their own budget, and has to agree to run the country on a right-wing approved budget. Country is in a status quo since no decision that matters can be taken in the riksdag since it never has a majority vote. The left starts to tighten the border controls.
2018: Left-wing wins the election again, but with minority rule the status quo stays. SD wins tons of votes, mostly from the right that is bleeding voters to them.
2022: Right-wing wins the election even though they have bled voters. They get majority rule since they agree to work together with SD that is now the third largest party in Sweden. Even though our current prime minister shaked hand with a holocaust survivor, on TV, and promised her he would NEVER work with SD. Class act gentleman, but what can you expect from someone who sold 12 000 state owned appartments to a close friend. Real prime minister material right there.
So to recap: For the last 17 years we have had 9 years of right wing governments and 8 years of left wing governments. During those years we have had 5 years of right-wing majority, and 0 years of left-wing majority. We have had 0 years of left-wing budget, and 17 years of either a right-wing budget, or a budget the right-wing has approved.
So what has that lead to?
Our healthcare is worse. Our school results are worse. Our income disparity has increased. Crime has increased. For the first time in many years we’re now also going backwards in our work towards reaching the climate goals.
In conclusion. For anyone that thinks that the previous government fucked up: You are absolutely and utterly delusional.