• @[email protected]
    148 months ago

    BG3 has been my favorite experience on the deck. Runs smooth as butter and I love being able to veg on the couch with it.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Has it gotten better since launch? I remember trying it out on the deck day of release and it didn’t run great for me

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        I’ve been playing since launch day and haven’t had any issues. I’ve heard that there’s one setting that some people need to change but I forget the specifics. Maybe Google for BG3 Steam Deck Settings.

    • @Grass
      48 months ago

      I feel kinda sad about how it’s such a great gameplay experience on the deck, but the additional resolution on my desktop revealed how much visual detail I had been missing.

      • @timespace
        18 months ago

        Yes, so true. I played the first 10 hours on deck only. Then fired it up on my desktop PC and it’s just an all around better experience, from the visual fidelity to the UI.

        I still do some short sessions on the deck, but if I have the time I play on PC.

        • @Grass
          8 months ago

          I’d almost be tempted to get that 1080p mod for the deck if it weren’t kinda underpowered for that.

          I used mods to make the ui fit a bit better and the kb/m controls using a kinda janky steam config, but 1440 looks so much nicer than 720 or 800 for this type of game

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      I’ve been enjoying it on the deck but I haven’t found any settings to make it run smooth as butter.

      Especially in the last act where there is a lot going on I had to switch to my desktop.

      That said, I actually prefer the interface on the deck to the desktop, despite being historically a pc guy

  • @[email protected]
    118 months ago

    Crazy how many good games there are out there working on the deck, but nearly none of them are the ones I play the most on mine!

    Glad this device supports the needs of the community, and the lesser played titles

  • ekZepp
    38 months ago

    Before I didn’t think much of Vampire Survivor but after a couple of plays with Holocure I get why this kind of games are so damn addictive!

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    I was playing Binding of Isaac on the handheld, and after holding down the buttons to shoot, it would abruptly stop shooting. I restarted the game a few times, but the problem was still there. I should restart the SD too

    Anyone else have had this issue?