On Android using Bromite and Mull (with uBlock). Have seen here mention of Chromite. A quick search shows that it is a fork of Bromite. Has anyone undertaken a meaningful real world comparison or general experience?

  • Free Palestine 🇵🇸
    188 months ago

    Don’t use Bromite, it’s unmaintained and insecure. If you like Bromite, use Cromite instead. IMO the best browser on Android is Mull. Also, Cromite is spelled without an ‘h’.

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    As @netchami said, Bromite hasn’t been updated in months, it shouldn’t be used. Cromite is a proper successor forked by one of the contributors of Bromite.

  • @Cheradenine
    38 months ago

    I use Cromite when I want a Chromium browser. If you are used to Bromite it will be familiar. Many of the features are the same, there are some nice additions like integrated Adblock Plus filters, as well as easily adding others.

    uazo is doing a great job picking up where Csagan5 (Bromite Dev) left off.

  • GazumiOP
    8 months ago

    Thanks for the guidance. Bromite now replaced with Cromite. Mull remains my primary browser based upon comments. Also, far better experience already