You’re patronizing me, but you were the one asking for logic earlier. Not my problem if you won’t utilize the tools someone goes out of their way to hand you ✌️
So all of that about concern trolling and your purpose being to specifically oppose people who claim to be tolerant, that was just grandstanding, yeah? You’re just a concern troll yourself?
How petty. Here to make a point that you can be an asshole, butt hurt over people calling you exactly what you said you are, insulting people for hours, and now stonewalling because you’ve got nothing left.
I don’t envy the decisions that brought you to this point in life. I hope you find happiness outside of the internet, bro.
Ah, I see. You’re actually just bored of losing these arguments and on to be belligerent on another post for no other reason than to argue about the next thing on the internet.
Man, you really are an asshole. 1 day in and picking nonstop fights on obscure social media about some of the most trivial stuff on what you perceive as principle, I guess.
And then just dropping those comment chains altogether when you get bored or cornered. That’s fuckin nuts man. Reddit really messed you up huh?
Feel free to just completely ignore me like you have been for awhile already.
I’m mostly still here because it’s just kind of fascinating to see someone so terminally online in this day and age, you know? Especially so that it’s here, because the way you argue and deflect seems more reminiscent of someone who argues pointless political garbage on facebook.
How did you find your way to lemmy? Was reddit just starting to be a little to stale for you? Were your usual argument partners just finally tired of your attitude? Or did you get bored and leave them too?
I guess I’ll never know. But I mean wow. You don’t meet someone so committed to the bit every day, you know?
Go be the internet troll you were destined to be. I will watch your career with great interest, in much the same way a bystander watches a slow, ongoing train wreck
So true, living in a first world country and having access to internet is something unheard of, everyone must be connected only a hour a day and also have running water at home for no more than 15 minutes.
Whew, 72 comments in less than a day? Assuming you need to sleep, that’s like nonstop keyboard warrior levels. Do you even sleep?
You’ve got some serious potential to pump those numbers. I’ve been around for 3 months. In that time, with your devotion, you could easily piss off 10,000 people.
You might seriously be the most prolific internet troll I’ve met, and I mean that unironically. I actually will be keeping up with you, just to see if you ever burn out lol
That’s the spirit, my guy. Chide me because you think I said something ridiculous. You’ll never understand what it’s like to have a conversation online with someone without it being laced with sarcasm and condescension.
But that’s what makes a true, genuine internet troll a beautiful thing to behold. You’re a dying breed. I believe in you buddy.
You’re patronizing me, but you were the one asking for logic earlier. Not my problem if you won’t utilize the tools someone goes out of their way to hand you ✌️
So true.
So all of that about concern trolling and your purpose being to specifically oppose people who claim to be tolerant, that was just grandstanding, yeah? You’re just a concern troll yourself?
So true.
How petty. Here to make a point that you can be an asshole, butt hurt over people calling you exactly what you said you are, insulting people for hours, and now stonewalling because you’ve got nothing left.
I don’t envy the decisions that brought you to this point in life. I hope you find happiness outside of the internet, bro.
Later tater
So true indeed.
Ah, I see. You’re actually just bored of losing these arguments and on to be belligerent on another post for no other reason than to argue about the next thing on the internet.
Man, you really are an asshole. 1 day in and picking nonstop fights on obscure social media about some of the most trivial stuff on what you perceive as principle, I guess.
And then just dropping those comment chains altogether when you get bored or cornered. That’s fuckin nuts man. Reddit really messed you up huh?
So true.
Feel free to just completely ignore me like you have been for awhile already.
I’m mostly still here because it’s just kind of fascinating to see someone so terminally online in this day and age, you know? Especially so that it’s here, because the way you argue and deflect seems more reminiscent of someone who argues pointless political garbage on facebook.
How did you find your way to lemmy? Was reddit just starting to be a little to stale for you? Were your usual argument partners just finally tired of your attitude? Or did you get bored and leave them too?
I guess I’ll never know. But I mean wow. You don’t meet someone so committed to the bit every day, you know?
Go be the internet troll you were destined to be. I will watch your career with great interest, in much the same way a bystander watches a slow, ongoing train wreck
So true, living in a first world country and having access to internet is something unheard of, everyone must be connected only a hour a day and also have running water at home for no more than 15 minutes.
Whew, 72 comments in less than a day? Assuming you need to sleep, that’s like nonstop keyboard warrior levels. Do you even sleep?
You’ve got some serious potential to pump those numbers. I’ve been around for 3 months. In that time, with your devotion, you could easily piss off 10,000 people.
You might seriously be the most prolific internet troll I’ve met, and I mean that unironically. I actually will be keeping up with you, just to see if you ever burn out lol
That’s the spirit, my guy. Chide me because you think I said something ridiculous. You’ll never understand what it’s like to have a conversation online with someone without it being laced with sarcasm and condescension.
But that’s what makes a true, genuine internet troll a beautiful thing to behold. You’re a dying breed. I believe in you buddy.