By the time this election rolled around, Moms for Liberty seemed to have already realized their brand had become poisonous. As the Daily Beast reported, “In 2021, Moms for Liberty claimed credit for 33 seats in Bucks County,” but in this election cycle, the group “endorsed only a single candidate in the county.” The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that some Republican candidates wanted the group to keep its distance, fearful of the taint. And that was my sense of things in the Pennridge district this fall. School board members who had links to Moms for Liberty tried to downplay it and ended up getting outed by investigators from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

  • @krayj
    1158 months ago

    There were two races in my local school district that I just voted on. I don’t even have kids of my own, but it’s important to me that the next generation gets the best education possible. Since I didn’t know any of the candidates, I was digging up their backgrounds and endorsements and a couple of them were proudly affiliated with “Moms for Liberty”…and that is an automatic ‘nope’ from me. That group is a toxin with a carefully chose name to sound reasonable. They aren’t.

    • pingveno
      548 months ago

      Good for the community, too. It takes a village to get rid of that astroturf group.

      • stevedidWHAT
        388 months ago

        On god dude. Adults w/o kids should consider investing in the next generation, especially when your investment is actually just you weighing in on governance.

        You’re gonna be an old fart with lots of needs very soon and the grand majority (maybe not, idk how close things are after boomer pop resides) are gonna be younger and your decisions, like it or not, made them in some part who they are

  • WashedOver
    488 months ago

    They sure seemed like it. They were caught quoting Hitler in one of their “liberty” newsletters and then couldn’t believe anyone had an issue with it. If you are quoting the leader of the Nazi party you might be Nazis…

  • @[email protected]
    278 months ago

    This group answers the question: “what if a bunch of total Karens pined for the ability to form a death squad”?

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      I think it might be Democrat and republican. According this article, at least one of them won both parties nominations. And it only shows up when there’s a single candidate.

  • NoSpiritAnimal
    178 months ago

    Finally my district makes the news for a good reason. Fully expect there are going to be some corruption revelations in the coming weeks with the board flipping.

    Our superintendent was given a new contract weeks before the election, that made him the highest paid super in the state.

    The contract stipulates that if he’s fired he’s still owed his whole salary. He was very buddy buddy with the local Moms for Hilter branch.

    The previous Republican board also hired a conservative law firm to issue a report against the ACLU threatening to sure the district over their behavior.

    They spent at least $50,000 without a public vote, which is a blatant violation of state law. Then they spent a further $1.4 million on that law firm.

    We’re still probably going to get sued and lose.

    • @[email protected]
      728 months ago

      Moms for Liberty, a heavily funded astroturf organization linked to GOP leadership, wasn’t especially subtle in its strategies, pinpointing a handful of swing districts in purple states, like Virginia and Pennsylvania, and targeting school board elections, which are usually low turnout and easy to win. Once installed, Moms for Liberty members started banning books and Pride flags, as well as protesting that teachers were “grooming” kids with “smut,” which usually meant either a history book or acclaimed, age-appropriate fiction. The idea was to create moral panics around sex and race that could tip national elections towards Republicans.

      From the article.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        I read that too, but still wasn’t sure… though I guess there’s a ton of belief overlap that makes it obvious

    • NataliePortland
      268 months ago

      They’re more about banning books and rewriting history. I’m sure there’s overlap with being a Trump fan but I don’t think Trump is necessarily what it’s about. They’re trying to brainwash kids to think slavery is good and gays don’t exist and nonsense like that

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    some Republican candidates wanted the group to keep its distance, fearful of the taint.
