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Threat: Apple generates a lot of interest in ARM CPUs
Response: Microsoft goes all in with supporting ARM on Windows
Fail: Windows’ greatest asset is their backwards compatibility, and people just want to be able to run their programs. ARM doesn’t have the same level of compatibility as x86, generating little interest amongst users to switch, due to the risk factor
Undo: fortunately, in this case, they probably don’t need to really undo much, it just ends up being wasted effort
(personally I have my doubts whether WoA will succeed; maybe it will, but I couldn’t resist adopting his own hype into his own model of failure)
…and the cycle repeats:
(personally I have my doubts whether WoA will succeed; maybe it will, but I couldn’t resist adopting his own hype into his own model of failure)
I’m not sure their prior attempts count as going “all in”. Never seemed like there was genuine effort and thought behind it before.
Now’s the first time they’ve had a proper fire under their ass to take it seriously.