i don’t think i’ll need elisp as i’m using emacs distribution

i want to learn basics elisp so that i can understand how to map keys how to send commands etc.

constructs that all beginners require

please don’t send a 300 page pdf for elisp as i don’t want to learn everything i just want a basic max 10 page rulebook for elisp

my teacher told me to use emacs and i love the experience so far thanks to the support from this community

i have not yet learned how to execute command like


i don’t know how to

run tab-width command with and set it to 4 after using M-x to open dialogue box to run command

(i think it’s called buffer not dialogue box)

so this is the level i’m at not much i know but i hope that emacs gods help me in finding true peace

  • Litanys@lem.cochrun.xyz
    11 months ago

    I’d just start with using M-x and describe-function or describe-variable. That way you start to learn what various things do and then just use like (setq name-of-variable) to change things. That’ll get you a long way. Once you are more comfy, work into those keybindings. What distribution are you using?