Forty states saw rises in parents citing religious or other personal concerns for not vaccinating their young children.

The number of kids whose caregivers are opting them out of routine childhood vaccines has reached an all-time high, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday, potentially leaving hundreds of thousands of children unprotected against preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough.

The report did not dive into the reasons for the increase, but experts said the findings clearly reflect Americans’ growing unease about medicine in general.

“There is a rising distrust in the health care system,” said Dr. Amna Husain, a pediatrician in private practice in North Carolina, as well as a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vaccine exemptions “have unfortunately trended upward with it.”

  • Nythos
    1 年前

    Covid had >750 million cases and nearly 7 million deaths and that was with extensive efforts to reduce the spread.

    If nothing was done the pandemic would have been far worse, far more deadly and would have done even more damage to “muh conomy”

    • mayoi
      1 年前

      I am 2 out of those cases by myself and I didn’t even go to the hospital because it wasn’t worth the time to do so.