The Supreme Court justice used wealthy connections through the Horatio Alger Association, a scholarship organization, to benefit himself and his wife.

  • merc
    1 year ago

    Since the Supreme Court is at the top of their branch of the government, it would have to be another branch, either legislative or executive.

    The US congress has the power to impeach (i.e. charge with a crime / misdemeanor / transgression) a justice, and send that case to the senate for a trial.

    Unfortunately, the US congress is Republican-controlled, so you’d have to convince a very significant fraction of the Republicans to vote to investigate and charge the guy whose corruption is leading to so many wins for their side.

    The other option is a criminal investigation by the FBI, which is part of the executive branch. But, that would require that what Thomas did violated federal laws. I doubt he actually broke bribery laws, or would be stupid enough to break them while he suspected he might be under a federal investigation.

    If only the founding fathers had any background in game theory. This system of “checks and balances” only works when the majority of the people involved have noble, self-sacrificing ideals.