A bit of history I’ve been diving into the Linux kernel scheduler recently. To give a short brief introduction to scheduling, imagine a single CPU single core system. The operating system all…
This article is clickbait and in no way has the kernel been hardcoded to a maximum of 8 cores.
If you read the commit [0], you can see, that a /certain/ scaling factor for scheduling can scale linearly or logarithmically with the number of cores and for calculating this scaling factor, the number is capped to 8. This has nothing to do with the number of cores that can actually be used.
From HN:
[0] https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/acb4a848da821a095ae9e4d8b22ae2d9633ba5cd
Thank you for clarification. I just use RSS feed from HN not the actual site, so I don’t see the comments.