Over the weeks I’ve sent a bunch of messages, like offering mod positions, asking for things etc. and I get no responses to about half of them.

Sure, nobody owes me a reply, but I’m wondering if there’s a different reason, such as:

  1. Ignoring all notifications, because there’s no immediate distinction between a DM or a comment reply

  2. Using an app that doesn’t support messages (which one would that be?)

  3. Federation issues (when sending a DM to a different instance)


  • YMS@kbin.social
    2 years ago

    50% response rate doesn’t sound too bad. a) People don’t owe you a reply, as you already said. b) Accounts go dead. Sure, when offering mod positions you probably didn’t contact many accounts that posted once a month ago, but still, many may have tried out multiple accounts on different instances, Lemmy vs. Kbin etc. and at one point decided for a different one, or they went back to Reddit, etc. c) DMs may look like spam or phishing or continuation of long abandoned discussions, and so some DMs will go unread even though the receipients saw the notification. d) people forget to answer, or they may want to think about the reply longer than you would expect. e) people are lazy.