“Digital advertising is a scam from top to bottom. In fact, it’s several scams stacked on top of each other, wearing a trenchcoat, and some of the foundations of fibs are so effective that otherwise reasonable people entirely buy into them.”

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    I thought it obvious its a scam. The whole online ad market system is a least-effort per dollar system, automated and with everyone deflecting responsibility for what content they force on users. And the whole “internet today wouldn’t work without ads, so we have to accept it” propaganda. It isn’t designed with honesty in mind. Or user safety.

    Im not against advertising. Im just against these mass-advertising systems. Worst thing that has happened to the web.

    • grizzledgrizzly
      61 year ago

      Yeah, if you look at the backend re: things like Apple blocking tracking data it’s clear marketing can very much exist without a ton of metrics. You just have to be creative with the advertising. It also helps to be solid on the content and placement, ie where people are receptive to messaging.

      • grizzledgrizzly
        21 year ago

        The only thing I see social doing well is amplifying messages via cheerleaders and providing a channel for servicing the external client.

  • grizzledgrizzly
    1 year ago

    I certainly hope this person is really in marketing. I would agree that a lot of digital “metrics” are a scam. It’s all in the presentation of said metrics.

    However, this article is comprised of poorly-sourced anecdotes and full of buzzwords and conjecture. The grammar also makes me question the validity of the storyteller.

    I can’t gate-keep “marketing” but buyer beware on this one.

    Edit: hey to all the downvoters - I’d love to know why, specifically, I am wrong?

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      However, this article is comprised of poorly-sourced anecdotes and full of buzzwords and conjecture. The grammar also makes me question the validity of the storyteller.

      Those sound like pretty convincing marketing bona-fides to me!

      • grizzledgrizzly
        31 year ago

        I’m not sure if this comment is sardonic or sarcastic or genuine in tone so I can’t respond.

              • grizzledgrizzly
                1 year ago

                Oh, lol, yeah. I have been in marketing communications for almost 20 years across tech, finance, and other industries and there is a lot of jargon that’s worthless. I do agree with the author that much of marketing can be shooting in the dark and knowing when to actually do something worthwhile with ad dollars can be hard. Digital marketing requires specialty knowledge most marketers dont have.