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Disclaimer: I’m not from the US.

As a student in a relatively large-ish city, I’ve been doing fine with public transportation. I’m not particularly interested in driving because of (no particular order):

  • environmental impact (in part mitigated by EVs)
  • ‘severe’ ADHD; I would never be relaxed driving
  • safety; I don’t trust other drivers to follow the rules properly

Should I still get a driver’s license sooner than later?

    2 years ago

    I think you’re overestimating the ADHD and safety aspects. If you drive frequently for a while it becomes second nature (hopefully) and it’s not all that scary as it seems. As a passenger you’re not in control and analyzing everything that happens around you becomes a lot more stresfull. Like when I’m driving a car I somehow know if I can overtake, have to wait for a car or have to brake for a yellow light. It’s not stresfull and the arms, legs and brain work together. As a passenger I struggle a lot more with that. So don’t think you can’t drive because traffic is overwhelming as a passenger.

    Anyway, should you get a license…well that’s hard to answer. It can be very useful, but is expensive and if you don’t need it in the near future then you might as well wait. Especially as a student you probably have a lot of things you want to save up for.