For me I usually prefer to have a drum track laid out so I can really try and nail the groove. A click isn’t something I really care for, but it is nice to have in the background.

Most recently, I ended up recording the bass before the drummer laid his tracks and I only had the guitar part and a click to go off of. The end product just sounds…messy. I think that we did this backwards, but what do you guys think is the best “order” when it comes to recording bass?

    1 year ago

    Yep. I like to have a complete drum track and maybe a scratch guitar/vocal track just to help me track transitions. It’s easier for the bass to record in time to drums than vice versa, and likewise it’s useful for guitars, vocals, and other melodic instruments to come after the rhythm section is laid down.

    Either that or a click track, but my drummer doesn’t like playing to a click.