• @goatOPM
    61 year ago

    Enjoy your alfredo

    I, I have no words, WE went though all of this, they tried to get us blackballed because we were communists, lead the charge to get every instance to block us because we refused to be liberals, and now they are saying that, our being communist had nothing to do with defederating? Do they expect us to have no memory, or do they expect the new exidus to fall for it, and renew the push on Lemmy.ml and Lemmy.world ect. to blackball us agian. We have and always will stand aganst hate speech and against fascism. If you bothered to listen to us maybe you would know that, but once more all I can say is BEEHAW SHAKES FIST

    • @can
      51 year ago

      Why can’t they just take defederation in stride. Did we bitch like this? No.

    • Tomassci
      11 year ago

      I would suggest that they don’t federate, as this would end in their savior complexes being exposed to “filthy capitalists and nazis”.