I had a glimmer of hope when I found [this] (https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Monitoring-Photograph-recording-Apartment/dp/B0BL2MSXM6), but it has pretty bad reviews.
Sorry if it’s a dumb question. This is brand new to me, and when I looked at some old threads on the topic I felt over my head.
I was asked something similar from a mate in the pub. He wanted a camera in his shed about 300m from his house.
I can talk about microwave links and trenching cables in pipe as much as I want. He just needed a simple solution that won’t bite him in the arse.
Let’s be helpful.
I bet you asked your mate what they actually wanted.
Do you know if they want this simply so they don’t have to walk downstairs, or do they want to view it on their phone?
This could be for an apartment they own and they just want to offer their tenants something so they can see who their buzzing in for all we know.
Helpful is figuring out what they want and not blindly going into details on solutions that at best waste their time reading or worse lead then down a suboptimal solution.
Whats with this fucking apartment bullshit? He owns a place in the back of beyond.
How do you know where they live, what their gender is, and what is your problem?
I asked why the “no Internet”:
Literally any answer is correct - it just gives us a better baseline to start giving suggestions. You need to chill out.
He’s a mate of mine. Did you get dropped on your head as a child?
Just trying to be helpful mate!