Happens on both my Nokia G50 and S23. Scrolling past a hundred plus post it becomes sluggish then crashes the app.

Perhaps something to do with memory management?

  • Anony Moose
    51 year ago

    Yup, consistently crashes for me too after some browsing. Seems to be worse on some instances that have a lot of pictures

  • @xaera
    1 year ago

    This happens very consistently scrolling through dozens of posts. Can be anywhere between 5-15 minutes. Typically it happens around 10 minutes.

    Not sure if it’s related, but I was looking at this post in the all feed when doing some quick testing. The comments were repeatedly getting redisplayed when scrolling to the bottom.


    I signed up to the beta, not sure if that was the comment navigator bug fix update I just got - looks like version 1.0.76. Periodically when scrolling through the comments, whereas before it would just load duplicate chains of comments it empties the comment chain, I.e. the comment section goes blank, then seems to repopulate it with extra duplicates or something. There seemed to be many hundreds of comments for that post after repeated scrolling for a few minutes.

    For the most part, posts with less than 60 comments don’t appear to exhibit this bug.

    Using a Galaxy Tab S4, confirmed on an S21 Ultra also.

    Thank for the app, I really enjoy using it. Hopefully this helps.

    • KuroM
      31 year ago

      Thank you that did help! The comment bug should be fixed on 1.0.82

      • @xaera
        11 year ago

        Perfect, thank you 😊 I did note that in a fresh comment in the thread earlier.

  • ZelKami
    41 year ago

    Happened to me on the community list of the “About instance” list. Maybe in that case pagination would help

  • @xaera
    21 year ago

    As a follow up the issue with comments appears to be fixed in the version I just updated to: 1.0.82

    I haven’t tried scrolling for 15+ minutes yet, but the scrolling already looks much smoother.