• @[email protected]
    77 months ago

    New is nice to visit but I don’t think many could stay there. I’ve tried repeatedly to make it a habit but I don’t want to up vote that much furry art. And I want to participate in German memes because I recognize the format but I’m not good enough at German to fit in. And much of the news is too regional specific (so much so that New gives a good idea of how Atlanta, GA is doing hourly) which makes it irrelevant to me.

    There are many reasons not to visit New. Pity votes for content that wouldn’t survive otherwise would make the overall tone of Lemmy feel sadder.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Moron, pay attention to the content. The guy is responding to you, this is just disrespectful.

        And frankly, people with such rigid reading skills tend to be limited in other ways as well.

        • @[email protected]OP
          7 months ago

          K we done here, enjoy the optics of remaining context, might wanna spend a little less time biting the hand feeding you and update your snarky crap ;P


          this is just disrespectful

          Yes, yes it is (and so are you, by extension but also independantly of your “replies”)


          limited in other ways

          Yes, like I refuse to tire my eyes and mind by wading through walls of text. How hard is it to break it up, yo? That should be the default courtesy, Jesus.

          Also, cool projection, bro

          Edit: u weren’t totally off-base but we ALL can do better

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            What the fuck are you even trying to communicate?

            Additionally, a wall of text is all it takes to tire you? My guy, that’s emphatically a bad thing. Sure, some people are better at communicating than others, whether in written or spoken form. If your initial question matters to you, the content of the replies would be the valuable part of the interaction. If you need to comment on other people’s response, tack it on somewhere in your response, but don’t make it the point of the response.

            It’s beyond poor etiquette on your part.

            • @[email protected]OP
              7 months ago

              my guy

              We’re not on my guy terms yet. Time will tell, di better and be less ruder. Its so easy theres no excuse not to if you are made aware of it. I was a little rude myself initially which I corrected asap.

              I’m trying to communicate that you should once in a while press enter/return twice to split up your ideas and points. Some people like when its easy to naturally scan over text and use it to help navigate ideas.

              But ya, fuck me right?!

              Edit: almost missed you there for a sec. Don’t worry, got you covered 😇

              “Thanks” for your voluminous free time, really leaving a positive dent in the Universe and likely space-time gravity-wise, if you catch my drift

              love yourself

              L8er dayz!

    • @[email protected]OP
      7 months ago

      I’ve already seen the light, wow?! Seriously, I didn’t realize we had or would have the same moderation situation.

      For comment sort, definitely like Hot or Top from now on. What is the distinction, level of engagement or what?

      Edit: I feel better already. Moderation really cannot be a free for all wow. That was insane turnaround time for me

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Beware all: OP is either a really early prototype comment bot, or a Gordian knot of synapses. Either way, deleted comment chains, low-quality edits on edits on edits while demanding proper grammar usage from others…

    Whatever @[email protected] is, it’s designed to sap energy. Don’t interact.

  • @bayank
    67 months ago

    The one thing preventing me from engaging with new posts is that I can’t tell what’s just a bot repost from reddit. Kinda annoying actually the bot traffic, some bots will have bot in their name and I can easily block those but I’m seeing bots that have normal looking names and I’m not going to dive into the user post history to suss out another bot I have better things to do. There’s no shareholders invested in lemmy ,why bother drumming up fake engagement with bot reposts? I’m not engaging with those no matter how hard you spam. So until that changes, I think I will continue sorting by popular.

      • @bayank
        27 months ago

        Sort by popular is better until the bots stop reposting reddit posts and flooding new.

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 months ago

          Yes you are right. I have more of an issue at the comments/threads level but yeah, I’ve spent way to much getting familiar with the worst of the worst. They never stay long (post is deleted almost immediately after they are “dealt with”) bu its still too long.

  • @[email protected]OP
    7 months ago

    I think its true so I can’t actually changemyview but I wanted to elaborate on the post; additionally, it is more democracratic since anyone can easily be heard/seen like right away